Page 7 - elizondo1953
P. 7


                   Location am  Ph711aal  Feature,.

                               TlJe  area discussed  in this report is located  in the  ee.ste:rnm151t

                   part  of'  the  Ventura  Basin,  :in  Loe  Angeles  CoM.ty,  Calif'omia,  and  covers

                   al;>out  14  square  miles,,  The  southernmost  part  of the  area       ,  miles

                   airline  distance  north  of'  saugus t  which  in turn  is 45  miles northwest

                   of Los  Angeles.  The.entire  area  is crossed 'b1'  a  narrow,  paved  road,

                   which  extends  &10111  much  of San Canyon  and  connects  the

                   town  of'  SaUgus  with  Hughes  Lake,  29  miles  to the  nor-th.  Excellent rock

                   exposures  are  present  on  both walls  of'  the  canyon,  and  can be  reached

                   easily tromthis road.

                               A tractor  road  extends  i,reetward  from  'bbc  eite  of th-s  Still

                   Francie  Reservoir,  and  gives access  to the' western and  northwestern

                   parts  of the area,  :tn  the  viclnity ot Charlie  Canyon.  To  the  southeast,

                   well  maintained  dirt and  gravel  roade  serve  the  area  north  of'  Dry- can;ron

                   Reservoir.  (See  Index  Map,  Fig.  ~

                               Both Charlie  and  ~ Caeyons  can  be  traversed  along gooo

                   trails tor reasonable  distances up  stream  from  the  southern  end  of'  the

                   areao  In  addi:t:lon,  several  firebreaks  and  traile, ma:l.ntained  by  the

                   U,S,  Forest  Service,  cut irregularly across  hill7 country throt~hout  the

                   whole  area,

                               The  lO'!izeat  point  in the  area  is 1n  San  Jli'anoisquito .Caeyonl!I

                  vest ot the  DI':,'  C~on Resenou-,  and  ii l.317  .t"eet  above  sea level;

                   it is situated  in a  wide  .span  of alluvium which  separates hilla 300  to

                  400  f'eet  high.  The  highest  point  in the  map  area  is on  the west  side
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