Page 3 - fecm201920winter
P. 3

Faces of Incarceration: New display at ECM

                 Faces of Incarceration, a unique collection of artwork showing portraits and quotes from
                 Manzanar incarcerees, is now on display at ECM. The quotes show a full range of perspec-
                 tives from the people who were so intimately impacted and, coupled with current-day por-
                 traits, the exhibit significantly expands our understanding of the complexities and challeng-
                 es related to Japanese-American incarceration. A program focusing on this exhibit will be
                 held in January. The date and other details will be provided via email, or you can call the
                 Museum at 760-878-0258.

                   Faces of Incarceration, a recently installed exhibit at the Eastern California Museum

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