Page 4 - flint1939
P. 4


                        Included  in  the  tract  studied  are  four  sedimentary  form-

                 ations  and  the  recent  a.lluvitm1.  These  formations  are  in  the

                 order  of  thei:r  deposition:  the  Mint  Canyon,  the  :Modelo,  the

                 Saugus,  and  the  old  alluvium  or  terrace  deposits.  The  Mint

                 Canyon  and  the  2augus  formations  are  both  of  terrestrial  origin;

                 the  Modelo  is  of  marine.  The  area  is  of  especial  interest  be-

                 cause  each  of  the  beds  rests  unconformably  on  the  next  under

                 it,  and  beo.;mse  the  boundary  of  the  basin  of  deposition  is

                 included  in  its extent ..         This  evidences  itself with  the  thin-

                 ning  of  the  Modelo  and  the  ove rlal')ping  of  the  Saugus  onto  the

                 Mint  8anyon.  There  has  aleo  been  deformation  and  minor  fault-

                 ing,  especially  in  the  northern  portion.
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