Page 6 - fohp2019-1
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                                                        SPRING  2Dl9
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                                    Critter Corner:  Volunteer Highlight - Dawn La  Bounty
                                     By:  Rachael Komulainen, Park Animal Keeper

                                    On  August  7,  2018,  Hart  Park  Barnyard  acquired  two  new potbelly
                                    piglets.  The  piglets were rescued  by a  dog rescue  group in  Puerto
                                    Rico, treated medically, then flown over to Los Angeles and given to
                                    us  within  a  week  of  their  arrival.  We  named  them  "Puerto  Rico"
                                    (nicknamed  'Rico')  and  "Pig  Newton"  (nicknamed  'Newt').  Shortly
                                    after acquiring the piglets, we were fortunate enough to have a local
                                    pig rescuer and trainer - Dawn La  Bounty - agree to  help train  the
          piglets.  Over the  months,  she  has  trained  both  piglets  to  do multiple  tasks.  They  follow
          commands to wait, sit, push their ball, do figure eights and, most importantly, to be harnessed
          and walked around the park.  Pigs are really smart and the training serves multiple purposes:
          it stimulates their mental faculties,  and it allows staff to be able to move the pigs easily for
          educational events or emergencies.  Dawn has been such an asset to the park and we are so
          grateful for all of her help!  Thank you, Dawn La  Bounty, from the staff and critters of Hart Park!


                         Come meet our newest Barnyard residents, two additional rabbits,
                         named Stanley & Stella.  They are 6-month old siblings that we
                         received from Castaic Animal Shelter.  Stanley has the gold ears
                         and Stella has the black ears.  They are Tri-Color Dutch rabbits.
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