Page 17 - gillibrand1991eis
P. 17

Altenatlve 3 - Road Section D to Claim Group II

          Alternative 3 requires construction of Road Section D going south from Claim Group II and then west

          to meet with Road Section A.  This was originally planned as Road Section B in 1989.  The alignment
          of Road Section D has a greater haul distance (6.S miles) from Claim Group II to the plant compared
          to the Road Section B distance of 3.4 miles, which is part of the proposed action.

           Alternative 4  - No Action  Alternative

          The  no  action  alternative  disapproves  the  proposed  action  presented  in  the  preliminary  Plan  of
          Opera/ions  by  P.W.  Gillibrand  Company.  The  affected  environment  sections  of  this  document
          describe the conditions that would prevail if no action is taken.


          Five additional alternatives were initially considered but were eliminated from detailed study because

          they  were found  to  be  infeasible for  technical, cost, environment effects, or operational  reasons.
          These include:

                  •      Alternative S - Moving the mill site to the mineral source;

                  •      Alternative 6 - Reducing the scope of the project;
                  •      Alternative 7 - Using the conveyor transport only;
                  •      Alternative 8 - Using helicopter transport; and
                  •      Alternative 9 - Conducting underground mining.

          SCOPING PROCE~

          The Forest Service initiated a public scoping process with the publication of a Notice of Intent in the

          Federal Register on October 13, 1989, and conducted a public scoping meeting in Canyon Country,
          California, on November 13, 1989.  As a result of the scoping meeting, letters and comments received
          from agencies and individuals, and based on past experience with programs of similar types, 12 issue
          categories were  identified for  evaluation of environmental  consequences of the  proposed  project.

          These  issue  categories  are:  (1)  air  quality,  (2)  soils,  (3)  water  resources,  (4)  biological  resources,
          (5) cultural and paleontological resources, (6) transportation, (7)  visual/scenic resources, (8) noise,
          (9) recreational resources, (10) land use, (11) property values, and (12) public health and safety.

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