Page 2 - gudgeon1949
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O  THOSE  whose  contribution  meant
                                  the  loss  of  sons,  brothers  or  husbands
                                  in  this  war,  I  pay  my  most  humble  re-
                              spect and extend my deepest  sympathy. As  to
                              the 874 officers and 8181 men of the Submarine
                              Force  who  gave  their  lives  in  the  winning  of
                              this war, I can assure you that they went down
                              fighting  and  that  their  brothers who  survived
                              them  took  a  grim  toll  of  our  savage  enemy
                              to  avenge  their  deaths.
                              MAY  GOD  REST THEIR GALLANT  SOULS.

                              From  speech  given  in  Cleveland,  Navy  Day
                             1945  by  Vice  Admiral  C.  A.  Lockwood,  Jr.,
                             Commander  Submarine  Force,  U.  S  .Pacific
                              Fleet,  January  1943  - January  1946.


                                                                                 - ' -, ....

                        For sale  by the Superintendent of Documents,  U.  S.  Government Printing  Office
                                    Washington 25,  D.  C.  - Price 60 cents
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