Page 16 - gvhs2010yearbook
P. 16


                              Thoy moot for thmo hourn
                            fwieo a wook taking piefumg
                            and odifing thorn in photo
                            !:hop. Mr. A.  Ba Iona rung a
                            fight program.
                              Ono of tho mogf mquo!:fod
                            elaggog in tho ROP program.
                            Digital Photography foaeho!:
                            gfudonfg tho ba!:ie!: thoy nood
                            to know to tako gmat
                            piefumg and how to odit
                            thorn to porfoetion.
                              Each wook tho gfudonfg
                            am givon a photo aggignmont
                            to eomplofo. Aggignmonfg
                            vary from !:hapo!: to foxfum!:.
                            to working with dopth of
                              To tho right am piefumg
                            takon by GV gfudonfg
                            involvod in tho program.

                                  1 like the
                                 people and
                             taking pictures.  11

                                        I like to learn more
                                      about Photoshop and
                                      digital photography allows
                                      me to do that.  11
                                           - Amanda De Bortoli
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