Page 19 - hart1967yearbook
P. 19

Top  (L-R)-Larry  Mills,  Kirk  Emmons,  Dean  Raynor,  Walt  Cieplik,  Phil  Lanier,  Ralph  Wells.  Bottom  (L-R)-Debbie  Kjose,  Joan  Eldridge,  Judy  Cherry,
        Marilu  Royal,  Beth  Fields,  Margie  Lebo,  Monty  Beth  Fenton.  Not  Pictured-Mary  Bowen,  Ron  Buzzell .

                                                                  Probably few students realize how much  hard
                                                               work  our  selected  Student  Body  officers  have  to
                                                               do after the campaign  is  over.  Voters  did a  good
                                                               job  in  choosing  these  officers  who  accomplished
                                                               so  much  in  making  our  school  a  pleasure  to

                                                  Representatives  to  Girls'  State  and
                                                  Boys'  State  are  Joan  Eldridge  and
                                                  Larry  Mills.
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