Page 7 - hart1969yearbook
P. 7

~     Autumn  winds  lend  a
                                                                                     ~  restless  air  to  the  already
                                                                                        anticipating  spirit  of  Hart
                                                                                        students  as  a  new  season
                                                                                        of  classes,  football  games,
                                                                                        teachers,  and  dances  begin.
                                                                                        And  what  could  be  more
                                                                                        appropriate than the crown-
                                                                                        ing  of  both  Autumn  and
                                                                                        our  queen  at  the  tradi-
                                                                                        tional  Homecoming  game
                                                                                        and dance?

                                                                                          Storm  clouds  and  winter
                                                                                        rains  usher  in  a  season  of
                                                                                        exciting  basketball  games
                                                                                       and  last  minute  cramming
                                                                                       for  semester finals. The an-
                                                                                       nual  Christmas  Program
                                                                                       and Winter Formal  top -off
                                                                                       another great year  of mem-
                                                                                       ories  as  1969  steps  in  to
                                                                                       · take its place along side the
                                                                                       other  great  years  at  Hart.
                                                                                         Now  as  the  school  year
                                                                                       comes  to  a  close,  under-
                                                                                       classmen  look  forward  to
                                                                                       their  years  ~at  Hart  while
                                                                                       Seniors look back on a truly
                                                                                       great year-the year  of the_
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