Page 25 - hart1973yearbook
P. 25

Top:  Princesses and their escorts:  Bill  Gridley and Elba Mercado, Hal Jeffrey  and
                                                     Val  Nocciolo,  Queen Jana Frack and  Ron  Rose,  Julie Benson and Jim  McMahon,  Lynn  Barber
                                                     and  Randy  Bragdon.  Above left:  Queen Jana Frack receives a warm  hug from  a close friend.
                                                     Above right:  The princesses dancing the first  dance with  their escorts; Julie Benson with
                                                     lim McMahon, Lynn Barber with Randy Bragdon, Eiba Mercado with Bill Gridley, Val Nocciolo with
                                                     Hal Jeffrey.  Right: Princess Valarie  Nocciolo  with  escort Hal Jeffrey  watches
                                                     as  Queen Jana Frack and escort Ron  Rose dance.

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