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The developers of                          W &A's 34 7-home Hearthstone del Norte
                                                            community, currently under way in Duarte,
                 Circle J Ranch have                        has been featured in southland newspapers
                                                            and television as yet another success. The
                their own tradition:                        300-home Hearthstone community on the
                 quality and integrity.                     Phillips Ranch, which opened in 1979, has
                                                            already earned considerable praise from
                                                            both homebuyers and developers.
                 The people behind Circle J are men whose
                 experience and reputations are legendary   Ray Watt has earned international recogni-
                 in the Southern California building indus-  tion both as a private builder-developer and
                 try. Together and individually they have   as a prominent federal official helping to
                 been prime movers in the development of    stimulate and finance the nation's housing
                 superior residential communities through-  programs. Ray Watt's achievements include
                 out this region.                           San Diego Country Estates, Lake Lindero,
                                                            and Bellehurst-Los Coyotes Country
                 Circle J Ranch is a Ridgedale Joint Venture-  Club ... plus participation in literally hun-
                Builder, W&A Builders, Inc.  DeVere         dreds of exemplary Southern California
                Anderson (right) the active partner and     communities.
                president of W &A Builders, Inc. With a civil
                engineering and management background,      We sincerely hope our sense of personal
                Mr. Anderson created and completed the      fulfillment will be shared by the hundreds
                highly successful 440-home Hearthstone      of homeowners who will enjoy this
                community in West Covina and prestigious    new, luxury equestrian community -
                Canyon Crest in the Monrovia foothills.     Circle J Ranch.
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