Page 2 - hb1903
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hings  started  getting           li tt  e                      en  on .    y
                     r  was  instrumental  i n  getting  th                                       He
                     ted  it  for  at  least  25  years  ig                                   e  all
                       together  and  worked  hard.           en
                         didn't  know  wh  t  money  loo  ed  like
                en  I  as  12  years  old  driving  the  horse  on  a                             C
                 received  75¢  a  day  for  a  ten  hour  day,  and  y                          e
                  or  ed  for  was  a  real  oldti  er  in  t h  v  lley;                        a
              Fra  es,  a  fine  friend  and  neighbor.

                      y  f  ther  would  work        t  anyth · ng  h  col d  get  be  ·            o    ng
             on  the  homestead.  In  the  sum  erti  e  he  ould  work  fo  Max  Godde
             or  Sill  Radloff,  two  of  the  real  oldtimers  in  the  valley.  On
              the  h  ybailerjob  he  would  9et  $1.50  per  d  y,  nd  on  the  t                 sher
               2.00  a  day.      For  a  ten  hour  day  that  was  the  tandard  pay.              Of
             course  his  meals  were  included.  These  peo pl                were  all  gre
             friends  and  they  used  to  really  celebrate  on  New  Years  Eve  at
             the  John  Ritter  Winer~  located  eight  miles  west  of  Palmdale.

                    Another  tragedy  happened  in  1911  when  our  good  friend  ana
             neighbor  Gottlob  Ritter's  daughter,  Harth  ,  15  years  old,  as
             acc1dently  shot  with  a  shot  gun  and  it  practically  shot  off  her
             left  elbow.  Had  that  happened  in  his  d  y  nd                 ge  the  worst
             would  have  b  n  a  stiff  rm.           Th     cc  dent  h  ppened  at  four
             o'clock  in  the  fternoon,  nd  no  doctor  within  30  miles.                     Hy
             brother,  Eli,  goth  s  bet  te  m of  horses  nd  drove  most  of  the
             night  to  meet  the  four  o'clock  train  1n  the  early  morning.  The
             Los  Angeles  County  Hospital  met  the  tr  in  in  L.A.  with  an  ambulance
              nd  inside  of  two  hours  a  fine  surgeon  operated  on  the  arm.                  But
             1t w s  too  1  te.  Blood  poison  had  set  in  nd  he  had  to  take  the
              rm  off  at  the  shoulder.  The  doctor  gave  her  one  chance  in  a
             thousand  to  survive,  and  luckily  she  did.  She  is  the  most  remark  ~le

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