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responsibility  of the  Licensee.  The  Director  agrees  to  consult  with  the
                              Licensee,  as  requested,  with  regard  to  the  feasibility  of  public-assisted

                              financing methods in connection with proposed capital improvements.
                       10.3  Plan Preparation

                              10.3.1 Unless otherwise approved  by the  Director in  writing,  the Licensee
                                     shall  ensure  that  all  improvement  plans  are  prepared  by  qualified

                                     professionals  such  as  architects,  engineers  and  landscape

                                     architects  who  are  licensed  by  the  State  of  California  and  are
                                     approved  in  advance  by  the  Director.    The  Licensee  shall  be
                                     required  to  utilize  the  services  of  an  experienced  construction

                                     management consultant  in  connection  with  any  project  performed

                                     hereunder, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Director.
                              10.3.2 Unless otherwise  approved  by the  Director in  writing the  Licensee

                                     shall  obtain  the  written  approval  of the  Director  of the  schematic
                                     design,   design    development,     constructions    drawings,    bid

                                     documents,  and  cost  estimates  of  any  project  performed
                                     hereunder, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Director.

                       10.4  License Agreement Approval
                              Unless otherwise approved by the Director in writing, copies of all  License

                              Agreements  for  projects  requiring  the  issuance  of  a  building  permit
                              between the Licensed  Premises and  Licensee's architects, engineers and

                              Contractors  shall  be  furnished  to  and  consented  to  in  writing  by  the
                              Director.  The Director's consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

                       10.5  Environmental Impacts
                             The  Licensee  shall  coordinate  environmental  impact  issues  with  the

                              Director  in  compliance  with  the  California  Environmental  Quality  Act

                             (CEQA)  and  shall  receive  written  approvals  and  authorizations from  the
                             Director.  The  Licensee  shall,  however,  maintain  full  responsibility  for
                             compliance  with  the  CEQA  and  related  requirements  relative  to  the

                             Negative  Declaration  for  Amendment  #1  to  former  existing  Operating

                             Agreement 36711, dated June 23, 1992.  (See Exhibit 8.)

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