Page 5 - hs_valverde_history_1960
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                 HOW  IT  IS  ORGANIZED                                 WHO  CAN  AND  SHOUID  BEWNG

                     The  memhers,  according  to  the  By-Lawe             Membership  in  the  Val  Verde  Park  Chambe:
                 provisions,  elect  a  Boa.rd  of Directors            of Commerce  is  open  to  all QUsineea,  ind-
                 whose  members  serve  without  p.q.  They  de-        ustries,  snd.p~ofeasional men  and  women.
                 tendne policies  and  the  gene~al  course  and        Anyone  who  is not  in business  or  a  profess•
                 opeJ:ations  of  the  Chamber..  }recessary  com-      ion,  but  is  a  resident  of Val  Verde  is
                 mi tteee  are  set up  from  the  general  member-     eligible  as  a  resident  ■ember.  The  rare
                 ship  under  supervision of  the  Board.  A            exception  to  this rule  would  be  illegimate
                 hish percentage  of  the  total membership  of         or unethical  operators  or  those  so  small
                 the  Chuber  serve  on  various  committees.           that  annual  inoome  does  not  even  support
                                                                        as ·much  as  one  person.
                 HOW  IT  IS  FINANCED
                                                                           There  is no  obligation other  than  the
                    ~~e Ch~ber  is  ~upported  p_rimarily  by           payment  o~  proportinate  annual  dues,  and
                 the  members  of  the  oommuni ty,  representing       a  willingness·· to  serve  on  committees  ( if
                 busines,1:1,  industry,  or  the  professions  who     one  can)  and.  help  carry out  the  Chamber's
                 are  interested.  in stimulating new  and  im-         functions •. There  is no  more  profitable
               . proved  business  and . in . building a  better        investment  available  to  8:tJ.Y  busineesman,
                 comnini·ty.  Each  member,  individual  or firm,       industrialist,  professional  man  or  resident
                 is  Etxpeoted  t9  subscribe  a  fair  share  of  the   than  his  ann~al  financial·investment  in
                 total  cost of  sustaining  the  Chamber's             the  looal  Chamber  of  Commerce.
                 effort  in  the  community.
                                                                           Anyone  who  is  eligible  to  join  the
                WAT DOES  IT DO                                         Val  Verde  Chamber  of Commerce  will  find
                                                                        it advantageous  to  do  so.
                    ~'he  Chamber  of  Commerce  works  to  improve
                business  and  build  a  better  community.  It          ·  For  information regarding membership  in
                &£fords  the  businesses,  industries,  and  the       The  Val  Verde  Chamber  of Commerce,  write  to
                professional  people  the.necessary vehicle            Box  104-'W,  Route  3,  Saugus,,  California.
                or.  chann-els  through  which  they  can  carry  on
                a  continou.s  year-round,  and  yaar-after-year
                program  of develqpm~nt,  civic  activities,
                publio relations  for  the  oomm-u.nity,  and                           -!Ht*~*******
                other  types  of  jobs,  dependin,g  upon  the  loc-
                al  need.a  and  conditions.  Tlnu  througil  their
                own  organized  efforts,  the  members  of  the
                Cham.her  obtain many  direct  an,i  indirect
                benefits.                             ·

                   The  -Val  Verde  Chamber  of  Commeroe  works
                to  builci  public  sentiment  on  1~ civic                   JOIN  THE  VAL  VERDE
               problems  in  the  oommunityta  interest,  and
               works  closely  with  other  organizations  and                    PARK          CHAMBER
               publio  officials.  Other  worka  of  the  Val
               Verde  Cb.amber  of  Commerce  are  for  health,
               safety,  transportation,  and  beautification                             .  0  F
               of  the . community.
                     The  Chamber· of  Commerce. :La·a
               working  library of direotorieu,  reports,                                NO  W
               surv,eys,  maps,  travel  information  and  other
               ma.te:C'ia.1  available  for  the  inspection  and
               use  c'Jf  Ha  members.

                     JOIN  THE  CHAMBER  OF  COMMF.RCE  NOW!
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