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The  Newhall  Old West  Association  wishes  to  thank  all  those  who  have
        given so  generously of  their time  and money to  make this celebration a  suc-
        cess.  We  have  always  believed  there  was  a  definite  need  in  Newhall  for
        a  permanent  organization  for  the  furtherance  of  recreational  activities  and
        the Newhall Old West Association is  the answer.  We have directed and will
        direct all our energies to the fulfillment  of  this premise.  This is your Associa-
        tion-a community association f_or the purpose of  lending assistance through-
        out  the  year  to  community  recreational  events-let's  make  it  a  project  to
        be proud of.

                                               Dr. E. C.  Schondorf


         VICE-CHAIRMAN                                  Captain  Ambrose  Stewart
         WAYS  AND  MEANS  COMMITTEE                                Jim Salmond
         STEERING  COMMITTEE                                    Rowlan  McIntyre
         PUBLICITY                                           Mrs.  Mabel  C.  Graft
         BARBEQUE  ..........................................................................................  Loren  Clymore
         HORSE · SHOW  ......................................................................................  Dan  Michael
         DECORATIONS                                                  Eric  Diggs
         CONCESSIONS                                             C.  N  McDougall
         DANCES AND  BALLS                                          Jim  Schaeffer
         GROUNDS                                                      Bill  Ludlow
         PARADE                        --                            Paul  Carrell
         BANDS AND MUSIC                                         Carleton Hadley
         FLOATS                                               .    Henry  Dreher
         MARCHING  Units                                           Ralph  Overton
         RIDING  UNITS                                            Warren Neeley
         RECEPTION  ·····-·····························-······-·---······--·-·················. . ..................  Jack  Lang
         RECORDING SECRETARY                                     Charles Clemans
         CORRESPONDING  SECRETARY                               Roland  Thompson
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