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      MOntie                            Montana

     _    Born  Owen  Harlan  Mic k e l ,  son  of Mr.  &  Mrs.
          E. o.  Mickel  near Wolf  Point,  Montana.

          Adopted  California  in  1929  and  has  lived  here
          ever  since.  Resided  in Castaic             for  some  time
          and  presently  lives  on a  beautiful  ranch  in

          He  has   performed trick lariat  and  rope  t ric k s
          a nd  holds  t he  world  record  (11)  for  t h e  mo st
          horses  and  riders.  in a  single  loop.
          He  entertained  some  500,000  school children
          each  year  f or  over  twenty  years.

          He  was ._Chief  of  Staff     of  the  Los  Angeles
          County Posse  for  32  years.

          He  has  performed  in  the  Rose  Parade for            the  pa st
          43  years.

          He  bas  been  in  show  bus-iness  for  50  years  and
          s tarred- in  Circle  of  Death"  a nd  performed  in
          "The  Will  Ro g ers  Story"  a n d  "the  Man  Who  Shot
          Liberty  Valance "  and  has  b een  a  technical  d i rect-
          or  in  a  number  of  movies.

          He  has  performed""  in  Madison  Square  Garden  and
          on  top. of  the  Empire  State  Building  with  his
          famous  show  horse-.

          was  honored  on  July  10  to  13t h  in  Wo lf Point.
          Montana  where  the  52-nd  Annual  Wild Horse  Stam-
          p ede  was  dedicated  in  his  n ame.

          He  is  married  to  Elly Montana  a nd  has  a  son,
          Montie  Jr.  and  t h ree  grandchildren,  Montie  Jess ,
          Dorothy  and  Kelly.
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