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About the Effort

                  Los Angeles County DHS, under the guidance of Dr. Ghaly, assembled a multidisciplinary team of
                  clinical, epidemiological, and statistical modeling experts led by Roger J. Lewis, MD, PhD, the Chair

                  of Emergency Medicine at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance and an accomplished


                  Two-pronged approach: The modeling team was tasked with

                  o Taking available data and making the best possible predictions regarding the spread of COVID-
                      19 in Los Angeles County and the associated demand for hospital-based care including hospital

                      beds, intensive care unit (ICU) beds, and ventilators.

                  o Assessing the effectiveness of current physical distancing efforts in slowing the spread of

                      COVID-19 and “flattening the curve.”

                                                                   EMBARGOED UNTIL APRIL 10 @ 1 PM PT
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