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P. 8

The Honorable Board of Supervisors
               June 2, 2004
               Page 8

               The FEIR concludes that all potentially significant adverse environmental impacts of the
               Project can be reduced to a level of less than significance through the application of feasible
               mitigation measures with the exception of project specific air quality and visual quality impacts
               and cumulative air quality and biotic impacts.  The Statement of Overriding Considerations
               (Exhibit B) describes overriding economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of
               the Project warranting its approval.  Your Board has adopted similar statements of overriding
               considerations for significant projects, including the recently approved Spring Canyon
               residential project which is located across the Antelope Valley Freeway from the Project site.

               The FEIR concludes that no significant new information was received during your public
               hearing process on the Project so as to require further recirculation of the environmental
               documentation under CEQA.  The discovery of the federally endangered southwestern arroyo
               toad on the subject property following your April 24, 2001 , public hearing session was the
                subject of a supplemental biological assessment and opinion at the federal level.  A discussion
                of the discovery of the toad, and the inclusion of additional mitigation measures imposed by
               the federal government, as well as additional mitigation measures recommended by the
                County staff biologist, have been included in the FEIR and the Mitigation Monitoring and
                Reporting Plan.  The draft environmental impact report for the project had already identified
               the Project site as having habitat that could be suitable for the toad.  In approving the Consent
                Decree, the federal court agreed with the County's previous conclusion that the discovery of
                the toad on the Project site and the inclusion of the federally and staff proposed additional
                mitigation measures did not require recirculation of the FEIR.

                As previously indicated at your Board's November 27, 2001 , public hearing session on the
                Project, DPW indicated that the traffic methodology contained in the environmental
                documentation as it relates to impacts on Soledad Canyon Road should be revised to more
                accurately reflect DPW's opinion regarding such impacts.  Your Board received written and
                oral testimony from Cemex and its traffic engineers indicating that the traffic methodology
                which was in the environmental document was adequate and was reasonable under accepted
                traffic engineering principles, and that Project would not result in significant traffic impacts.  At
                that time, Cemex declined to cooperate in the preparation of an additional traffic report and
                environmental documentation which would have been necessary to reflect DPW's desire to
                revise the traffic methodology.  County Counsel advised your Board at that time that you could
                find that the information presented by Cemex constituted substantial evidence to support the
                original traffic methodology, but that such decision would involve rejecting DPW's position.
                Your denial of Cemex's application on April 23, 2002, was in significant part based on the fact
                that Cemex had refused to cooperate in the preparation of that additional documentation.

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