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LOS ANGELES CONSERVANCY                                Pre ser vatio n Report Card | 2008

                                                 DEDICATED PRESERVATION PERSONNEL

                                                 Communities that value their historic resources typically have dedicated
                                                 staff to pursue preservation efforts, as well as a historic resources com-
                                                 mission to designate landmarks and review proposed changes to historic
                                                 properties. Preservation staff or local commissions typically review per-
                                                 mits for demolition or alteration of historic resources, administer Mills Act
                                                 programs, and designate new landmarks.They are often responsible for,
                                                 or are important consulting parties in, CEQA determinations regarding
                                                 historic properties. In many communities, they are also important advo-
                                                 cates for historic preservation and a great resource for property owners
                                                 on preservation techniques and practices.

                                                                           In the Preservation Report Card rankings,
                                                                           communities with a staff member dedicated
                                                                           to historic preservation scored higher than
                                                                           those who assigned preservation-related du-
                                                                           ties to the general staff pool. Similarly, com-
                                                                           munities    with   a   historic  resources
                                                                           commission devoted to identifying and des-
                                                                           ignating their historic resources scored
                                                                           higher than those who delegated these du-
                                                                           ties to an entity whose primary purpose is
                                                                           not preservation.

                    Top: Clock Market (1929), Beverly Hills
                                    (Larry Underhill)

                   Bottom: Rives Mansion (1912), Downey
                                       (John Eng)

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