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LOS ANGELES CONSERVANCY                               Pre ser vation Report Card | 2008

                                                 the county. The Conservancy decided to update the report card for our
                                                 thirtieth anniversary in 2008. We were pleased to discover that over the
                                                 past five years, more than a dozen cities have taken steps to launch or
                                                 strengthen their preservation programs. Others fared less well, but we
                                                                       hope that this new edition of the Preservation Re-
                                                                       port Card will help to spur preservation efforts
                                                                       and offer practical models from other cities.

                                                                       While it may seem that this report is intended as
                                                                       a comprehensive assessment of preservation
                                                                       efforts in L.A. County, some caveats are in order.
                                                                       This report is not meant to assess the general
                                                                       state of physical preservation of the cultural re-
                                                                       sources of Los Angeles County; the existence or
                                                                       success of efforts to preserve publicly held cul-
                                                                       tural or historic resources; or the commitment,
                                                                       drive, and influence of local advocacy organiza-
                                                                       tions. All of these factors are of great importance
                                                 to the general state of preservation in Los Angeles County today, and
                                                 we applaud the heroic efforts of the many groups and individuals across
                                                 the county who tirelessly advocate for, and carry out, the preservation
                                                 of our architectural heritage.This report is intended solely as a snapshot
                                                 assessment of local governments’ current efforts to ensure the preser-
                                                 vation of historic and cultural resources that are in private hands. Its
                                                 goal is to recognize those jurisdictions that actively foster preservation
                                                 and encourage them to keep up the good work, as well as to offer prac-
                                                 tical models and motivation to those jurisdictions that have fewer pro-
                                                 tections in place.

      Top: World’s oldest remaining McDonald’s (1953), Downey
                              (Conservancy archives)

                Bottom: Village Motel (1948), Santa Monica
                                 (Conservancy staff)

        Right: Many buildings built for industrial and utility uses
           are architecturally significant, such as the Art Deco
             Vernon Light & Power Building (1932) in Vernon.
                               Photo by Dean Cheng.

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