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lined  conduit,  and  97  miles  of  covered  conduit.  Addi-
           tional  miles  were  taken  up  by  three  large  reservoirs,  the
           largest  of  these,  the  Haiwee  Reservoir,  being  capable  of
           storing  more  than  twenty  billion  gallons  of  water.
             Built  primarily  as  a  water  system,  the  aqueduct  also
           provided,  along  its  course,  the  opportunity  for  the  devel-
           opment  of  hydro-electric  energy.   Thus  it  has  blessed
           Los  Angeles  with  two  priceless  and  vitally  necessary  re-
           sources-water and  electric  power.  I ts  water invited  and
           supplied a  rapidly growing population.  Its electric energy,
           developed  by  the  power  and  light  system,  established  a
           foundation  upon  which  has  been  builded,  thus  far,  this
           city's  amazing  industrial  expansion  and  prosperity.
                            CHAPTER  IV
                           White  Gold

           ----------.y WAS  the  lure  of  Yellow
                                   Gold  that  started,  from  the
                                   four  corners  of  the  world,
                                   the  first  march  of  settlers
                                   toward  California.  Since  the
                                   days  of  '49  the  sailing  vessel
                                   and  the  prairie schooner  have
                                   been  replaced  by  giant  ocean
                                   liners,  transcontinental  trains
                                   and  motor  cars  -  but  the
           steady influx  of  settlers  never  has  ceased.
             Yell  ow  Gold  opened  the  eyes  of '  the  world  to  the
           beauty  and  opportunities  of  a  glorious  commonwealth;
           White  Gold,  in  the  form  of  hydro-electric  energy,  has
           made  it  possible,  in  these  later  years,  for  this  incr~asing
           population  to  find  gainful  employment  and  permanent
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