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             Tl1c  Coa rds  of  Trustees  of  the  Ne\·thall,  Saugus  Union,  and  Sulphur  Springs
             U111011  School  Districts  recommend  State  Board  approval  of  the  proposed
             reorgan ization  plan  for  the  following  reasons:

             1.  Three  times--1960,  1965,  and  1967-- the  citizens  in  the  area  have  -
                  rejected  a  single  unified  district  plan.  Although  the  population
                  of  t he  area  doubled  in  the  seven  years  between  the  first  and  third
                 election,  the  percentage  of  "no"  votes  remained  almost  constant.

                 The  Boards  of  Trustees  of  three  of  the  five  districts  believe  that
                 the  citizens  of  the  area  deserve  an  opportunity  to  consider  an
                 alternative  to  the  single  district  unification  plan.

            2.  Three  distinct  population  centers  can  be  identified  in  the  area.
                 For  the  most  part,  the  proposed  plan  would  form  districts  centered
                 in  each  of  these  population  areas.  Each  proposed  district  has
                 significant  growth  potential.

                 Population  projections  of  the  Los  Angeles  County  Regional  Planning
                 Commission,  the  Pacific  Telephone  Company,  and  the  Southern  California
                 Gas  Company  indicate  a  total  population  for  the  area  of  approximately
                 135,000  in  1980  including  a  student  population  of  approximately
                 50,000  and  a  total  population  of  235,000  by  1990  with  a  student  popu-
                 lation  of  approximately  85,000.  Conservatively,  it can  be  predicted
                 that  each  of  the  three  proposed  districts  will  have  a  population  of
                 approximately  15,000  pupils  within  10  years.

                 The  proposed  reorganization  plan  will  create  three  districts  with
                 pupil  populations  of  5,0PO  or· more  at  the  time  of  onification.
                 Each  district  will  grow  to  an  optimum  size  within  a  relatively
                 short  period  of  time  \..;!Tile  retaining  a  sense  of  community  identity.
   I             /\nd  fina lly,  problems ,that  are  inherent  in  a  single  unified  district
   i  .
                 encompassing  over  350  square  miles  with  a  student  population  in
                 excess  of  50,000  will  be  avoided.

            3.  The  proposed  reorganization  plan  offers  the  community  the  oppor-
                 tunity  to  form  three  unified  school  districts  at  an  optimum  time.
                 E ach ~,ould  be  large  enough  on  formation  to  meet  legal  requirements,
                 on  one  hand,  \·1hil e  the  density  of  area-wide  population  is  sma 11
                 enough  to  accomplish  the  reorganization  with  a  great  deal  more
                 fac ility  then  would  be  possible  if  a  similar  effort  ~as  attempted
                 several  years  from  now.

                 The  population  and  geography  of  each  of  the  proposed  distrkts
                 will  offer  maximum  opportµnity  for:

                               Community,  staff,  and  pupil  participation  in ·
                               instructional  decision  making,              ·

                               Communication  among  all  segments  of  the  school
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