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                      The  oommitt •  kicked  otf  the  voter  r egistration  program  this
                      v  ak  vith  an  advertisement  itl  ~ Signal  stating  "Your  Name
                      ia  Worth  $432. 00"  And  accorcling  to  CoMie  Worden,  Vice
                      Chai  of  the  City  Formatic,n  Committee,  the  r esponse  haa
                      bo  n  great,  "w•  have  r eceivecl  a  large  number  of  phone  calla
                      fro•  pe ople  wanting  ua  to  help  th            r egist er  to  vote."

                      In  addition  to  the  newspaper  ad,  the  City  of  Santa  Clarita
                      Ponaation  Collllllitt••  will  be  walkinq  door-to-door  and
                      r egiaterin9  voters  at  local  uhopping  centers,  colleges  and
                      even  the  high  schoola.  "W•  will  alao  be  advertiaing  on
                    · cable  television  and  local  rHdio  stations  during  the  next
                      two  veeka,"  added  Ma.  Worden.,

                      "Anyone  who  will  be  18  yeara  old  by  TU~sday,  June  lat,  1988
                      ia  eligible  to  r egister  to  vote  and  will  count  aa  a  bonafide
                     voter  when  the  state  tallies  the  total  number  of  voter•  on
                      Deceaber  15th ..      Therefore  evon  17  year  old  high  sohool•
                      s tudents  can  help  our  new  city,"  added  Ma.  Worden.

                     Volunteers  ar e  needed  to  work  at  t ables  and  to  walk  door-to-
                    . door.     "Anyone  can  help  by  juat  calling  our  office  at  259-
                      2,ag,w  M•.  Worden  s tatad.

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