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community of Malibu, the Santa Monica Mountain coun-
           try  to  the  north,  the  Ventura  Freeway  communities  of        The bigness-
           Agoura  and  Calabasas,  and  the  burgeoning  Ventura        of Los Angeles County
           County suburb of Thousand Oaks. (Plans are also afoot to
           create  city-county  governments  in  central  Los  Angeles   Los  Angeles  County contains more  people than  42
           and the San Fernando Valley.)                          of the  states.
             Whatever  the  outcome,  there's  a  certain  irony  in  the   The 1975 county budget is larger than the budgets of
           threatened  balkanization  of  Los  Angeles  County.  For   36 of the states.
           years  the  county  Regional  Planning  Commission  and   The county has 84,000 employees, more than 43 of
           Board of Supervisors have approved subdivisions virtually   the  states.
           on  demand,  even  when  bitterly  opposed  by  those  con-  Each county supervisor represents about 1.4 million
           stituents  who  already  had  made  the  move  to  suburbia.   people  -  a  larger  constituency  than  most  United
           Now, of the seven million who live in Los Angeles County,   States senators.
           only a  bit more than two  million  live  in the City of Los   Los Angeles leads all large counties in the number of
           Angeles.  The  rest  are  spread  along  the  freeways  to  the   employees per capita (10.6  for every, 1,000 people).
           outer fringes, and the outermost are turning against the   County boundaries were last changed 85 years ago,
           county, demanding to  be  let out.  "The  county is a  mons-  when the  population was about 100,000.
           ter,"  roars the N ewhall Signal , "that nourishes  itself on
           the life blood of the people of the Santa Clarita Valley."   and  fleeing  residents  in  the  event  of disaster.  Bouquet
                                                                Canyon  Road  stretches  out  into  a  straight,  55-mile-an-
           Too many  Newhalls?
                                                                hour highway, suddenly takes a  25 mile-an-hour bend for
             A lot of things about the proposed new county would be   no apparent reason, then returns to its former alignment.
           named Newhall - too many to suit some opponents of the   The county road department says it was put there accord-
           plan.  Scott  Newhall,  former  editor of the San Francisco   ing to a community plan provided by the county planning
           Chronicle is publisher - his wife, Ruth, is editor - of the   department.
                                                                  Discussion during a  recent planning commission meet-
                                                                ing revealed something of the insularity in which land-use
                                                                decisions are made. Residents from the proposed Canyon
                                                                County area had driven 50 miles to argue for and against
                                                                a  proposed new subdivision, only to have the commission
                                                                postpone  the  hearing.  Commissioner  Carolyn  Lewellyn,
                                                                (the only one of the five with no connections in real estate,
                                                                land development or the escrow  business) worried  about
                                                                inconveniencing those  who had driven all  that way.  She
                                                                suggested  that  when  the  public  arguments  were  re-
                                                                scheduled, they be heard in the community itself, for the
                                                                convenience  of  those  affected.  Commission  Chairman
                                                                Howard Martin was dead set against it. "It doesn't  make
                                                                sense," he said, "to drive all the way to the Santa Clarita
                                                                Valley when it's so much easier to meet right here."
                                                                The commission report
                                                                  While the rebels of Canyon, San Gabriel, South Bay and
                                                                Las  Virgenes  look  for  a  way  out,  a  prestigious  Public
                                                                Commission  on  County  Government  has  spent  a  year
                                                                looking for  a  way to  bring everybody  in.  "Public knowl-
                                                                edge  of and  confidence  in  county  government  are  low,"
                                                                warns the commiseion's final  report.  "Its remoteness and
                                                                low visibility are important elements underlying the four
                                                                major movements now working to secede from the county.
                                                                Citizens  participate  very  little  in  decision-making,  and
                                                                the structure is not built to respond when citizen opinion
           Newhall  Signal , published  in the  town  of Newhall.  The   is formed and presented."
           Newhall  Land  a nd  F arming  Company  would  be  the   While  there  are  more  than  100  advisory boards,  com-
           largest  taxpayer in the county. It owns hundreds of acres   missions and committees to counsel Los Angeles County
           of flat land in the Santa Clara flood plain. Supervisor Bax-  officials, those who serve on the panels often find they're
           ter  Ward  does  not  mention  the  Newhalls  by  name  but   wanted only as window dressing -  meeting the require-
           makes  it clear whom he's  talking about when he warns,   ments for state and federal grants but having no access to
           "The interests are, I think, interests that want control of   the  decision-making  process.  One  such  group  was  ap-
           zoning or development, that kind of thing .. . and they are   pointed  to  develop  affirmative  action  plans  to  aid  the
           utilizing the people's concerns about the tax dollars as a   county  in  hiring  and  promoting  more  minorities  and
           means of gaining the control they selfishly seek."   women.  "It spent two years producing a  report and then
             On the other hand, secession leaders claim the existing   watched  it  filed  and  forgotten,"  the  Public  Commission
           Regional  Planning Commission has done  such a  terrible   says, "without even the courtesy of an explanation of the
           job of shaping the Santa Clarita Valley that the develop-  reasons for  which it was being ignored."  A  Citizen's  Ad-
           ment pattern is a major factor in the residents' determina-  visory Planning Council tried to warn the Planning Direc-
           tion to get out. They'll show you the hflltop subdivision in   tor, Planning Commission and Supervisors that the gen-
           high-hazard fire  and earthquake country,  with  only one   eral land-use plan they were  developing in  1973  was  il-
           narrow street in and out to be shared by rescue equipment   legal.  But council  members  were totally  cut off from  all
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