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          Resolve                                          •  •  •

           tee, who overcame tremendous odds; and   areas of Canyon Country. There are also   of Santa Clarita.
           the  few  who  contributed  to  my  cam-  other areas where neighbors have been   Special interest groups will know that
           paign, knowing I had a race to run, while   left  out  of  the  city.  They  want  to  be   being a good  neighbor  to Santa Clarita
           also raising money for  the City Forma-  incorporated,  and  we  should  move  as   does not mean that contributing to local
           tion Committee with nothing to gain for   rapidly  as  possible  to  accomplish  their   charities will  be accepted in lieu of  the
           themselves except the pride of knowing   desires.                       roads,  schools,  parks and  pure air that
           they had helped.                      A  temporary  city  hall  where  people   are necessary for a good quality of life.
                                               will  be  able  to  come  and  meet  with   I will do my very best to understand
               Howard P. "Buck" McKeon         members of the city council and the city   and educate myself on all issues facing
             My goals and objectives for the City of   manager. I want a truly responsive local   the City of Santa Clarita.
           Santa Clarita in 1988 include ...   government.
             Continued  cooperation  and  effective,   A budget that is sound, gives us a con-  Dennis Koontz
           resultful  communication  among  city   tingency against emergencies,  and  pro-
           council members. We have had excellent   vides the services that meet the needs of   We, on  the city council, have a  lot  to
           relations and communications thus far,   the community.                 look forward to in 1988. High on my list is
           enabling us to move rapidly in preparing   The year 1988 will be very important   the  establishment  of  open  government
           for incorporation.                  for the people of our valley and the City   through  appointed  commissions  and
             Having the best full-time city manager   of Santa Clarita. It will be the first year   advisory groups. As I see it, there are five
           we can afford. We hired, and have on the   of our city. We are building a foundation   critical  issues  to  be  addressed.  There-
           job already, an outstanding interim man-  that will determine our future for years   fore, I resolve to . ..
           ager who will be with us for three to six   to come.  It is vitally important that we   See  the area expand  through a  care-
           months and  will  help in  the recruiting   build  well  and  that  we  move  forward   fully  monitored, valley-wide plan cover-
           and hiring of his full-time replacement.   with thoughtful deliberation.   ing such issues as roads, schools, emer-
             Open,  well-attended  meetings,  where   It is exciting to be a part of this great   gency services, water, and housing and
           we will be able to get the maximum input   venture.  There  has  been  such  a  tre-  business development.
           from  the  community  in  our  decision-  mendous outpouring of enthusiasm and   Support existing youth organizations,
           making process.                     commitment from everyone, that I know   including  the  Scouts,  American  Youth
             The appointment of  a  planning com-  we  will  be  successful  in  making this a   Soccer, YMCA, and Boys and Girls Club.
           mission  comprised  of  competent,  con-  city to be proud of.            Preserve  our valley's  heritage  -  its
           cerned  citizens.  Their  task  will  be  to                            hillsides,  historical  markers,  and  oak
           approve  real  estate development  based       Jan Heidt                trees.
           on the interim plan adopted by the coun-  Looking  ahead  to  1988,  I  see  many   Bring more jobs to  the City of Santa
           cil, and to work with the community in   tasks waiting for me. I resolve, therefore,   Clarita by attracting manufacturers and
           creating a General Plan for our valley.   that, at the very least ...   major retailers to the area.
             The establishment of  our "sphere of   The  city  council  members  will  not   Support our senior citizens and their
           influence" with LAFCO and the annexa-  accept any perks, gifts or donations from   needs for housing, transportation, social
           tion  of  the  Pinetree  and  Timberlane   any source doing business with the City   services, and health care.
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