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St. Francis Dam (Site of)                                        Los Angeles         California
         Name of Property                                                 County and State

         8.   Statement  of  Significance
         Applicable  National  Register  Criteria                   Areas  of  Significance
         (Mark “x” in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the property  (Enter categories from instructions.)
         for National Register listing.)
                                                                       community planning & development
            A    Property is associated with events that have made     engineering
                 a significant contribution to the broad patterns of
                 our history.                                          politics/government

            B    Property is associated with the lives of persons
                 significant in our past.

            C    Property embodies the distinctive characteristics
                 of a type, period, or method of construction or that
                 represent the work of a master, or that possess
                 high artistic values, or that represent a significant  Period  of  Significance
                 and distinguishable entity whose components           1924-29
                 may lack individual distinction.

            D    Property has yielded, or may be likely to yield,
                 information important in prehistory or history.
                                                                    Significant  Dates
         Criteria  Considerations
         (Mark “x” in all the boxes that apply.)
         Property is:
            A    owned by a religious institution or used for
                 religious purposes.
                                                                    Significant  Person
            B    removed from its original location.                (Complete if Criterion B is marked above)
                                                                       Mulholland, William
            C    a birthplace or a grave.
                                                                    Cultural  Affiliation
            D    a cemetery.

            E    a reconstructed building, object, or structure.

            F    a commemorative property.
            G    less than 50 years of age or achieved significance    City of Los Angeles BWWS
                 with the past 50 years.
         Narrative  Statement  of  Significance
         (Explain the significance of the property on one or more continuation sheets.)
         9.   Major  Bibliographic  References
         (Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuation sheets.)
         Previous  documentation  on  file  (NPS):                  Primary  location  of  additional  data:
               preliminary determination of individual listing (36       State historic preservation office
               CFR 67) has been requested                                Other State agency
               previously listed in the National Register                Federal agency
               previously determined eligible by the National            Local government
               Register                                                  University
                designated a National Historic Landmark                  Other
               recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey
                  #                                                  Name of repository:
                recorded by Historic American Engineering               Various
                   Record #
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