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OLD-YELLER  ~-#2103                                                      Page  11
                      Januacy  22,  1957

                      31      CLOSE  DOLLY  SHOT  OF  TRAVIS  AS  HE  IS  DRAGGED  - SECOND                         31
                              UNIT  - ALBERTSON  RANCH

                              He  fights  to  free  himself  from  the  reins.

                                            Whoa,  Jumper!  Whoa.,  now!

                              He  frees  himself  from  the  reins  just  as  Old  Yeller
                             hurdles  through  the  shot.

                      32      TRAVIS'  POV  - SECOND  UNIT  - ALBERTSON  RANCH                                      32

                             The  mule   3   Yeller  at his  heels,  catches  the  corner  or
                              the  eorripatch  fence  with  the  plow  and  brings  it down.

                      33     TRAVIS  - SECOND  UNIT  - ALBERTSON  RANCH                                             33

                                           Let  that  mule  alone.!

                             He  runs  forwardo

                      34     EXT~  CABIN  - STAGE                                                                   34

                             Katie  rushes  out.

                                            Whoa,  Jumper!  Whoa,  now!

                      34.a  KATIE S  POV  - SECOND  UNIT  - ALBERTSON  RANCH                                        34a
                             Jumper,  chased  by  Yeller.,.  catches  the  yard  fence  with<·
                             the  plough.,  tears  it down  with  a  crashQ

                      35     FLASH  OF  TRAVIS  - SECOND  UNIT  - .ALBERTSON  RANCH                                 35

                             As  he  races  after  Jumpero

                      35a  THE  END  OF  THE  YARD  FENCE  - SECOND  UlITT  - ALBERTSON                             35a

                             The  plow  gets  caught  in  the  rence  post,  the  braces
                             break  and  Jumper  gallops  off,  still chased  by  Yeller.

                      36     TRAVIS,  KATIE  IN  THE  B.G.  - STAGE                                                 36

                             After  glaring  after  the  dog  a  moment,  he  moodily·exarnines
                             the  wreckage.  Katie  comes  up  to  him,  eyes  him  with
                             motherly  concerno          Travis  is  on  the  edge  of  frustrated  tears~

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