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OLD  YELLER  - #2103                                                     Page  28
                        January  22,  1957

                        90     CONTINUED                                                                               90

                              ·screaming  with  fury,  Arliss  grabs  up  more  rocks,  large
                               ones,  and  begins  to  pelt  Travis.  Travis  manages  enough
                               evasive  action  to  avoid  being  hit..             Arliss,  in  the  grip
                               of  a  monumental  rage,  continues  to  pick  ttp  rocks,  and,
                               since  Tra-vis  does  not  retaliate,  the  kid  is  able  to  fire
                               one  rock  after  another.

                               It  gets  too  hot  for  Travis..          He  gives  ground,  then  runs
                               toward  the  houseo         Arliss      picking  up  progressively
                               bigger  rocks,-follows,  throwing  as  fast  as  he  can ..

                        91     MED.  LONG  SHOi  ~  SHOOTIID  FROM  SPRING  -             FIRST  UNIT  -               91
                               ALBERTSON  RANCH

                               In  Bo Gg  and  closest  to  the  gate.  and  house  is  Old  Yel lero
                               He  is  flying  for  home,  screeching  with  fright..                 Farther
                               back,  running  a  poor  second  to  tne  dog,  is  Travis.                  Bringing
                               up  the  rear  is Arliss,  in  FGo            He  is  toting  a  rock  too  big
                               to  th rowo

                                                       ( screaming  as  he
                                             You  rock my -d:og  ag'in  and  Ifll
                                              bust  yo-u.r  .head  open!

                               We  HOLD  Q\f  the  uphill  chase  until  in  BG  Katie  appears  from
                               the  cabino

                        92     FULL  SIDT  -    COATES i  CABIN  AND  YARD  -         FIRST  UNIT  -                   92
                               ALBERTSON  RANCH,  IF  NECESSARY  STAGE

                               Katie  comes  into  the  ya rd  just  as  Old  Yeller  flies  past
                               and·scuttles  for  the  safety  ef  the  breezewayo                  Then  Travis
                               runs  in  to  her    9   with  Arliss  behind,  still  toting  his  big
    I                          rocko

                               Katie  blocks  Arli sst  path,  and.,  after  a· brief  tussle,
                               makes  him  drop  his  rock.
                                                                     Travis,  disgrttntled,  turns  to
   I                           his  mothero

   I                                         Him  and  that  dirty  old  dog ..
   I                                         Both  wallowing  in  our  drink-

                                              ing  water!
   I                                                        ARLISS

                                             He  was  rocking  my  dogo

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