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        ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  ♦ · ♦  ♦
             New  Colonial  Theatre     Program  Continued
        ♦                                                      ♦
              - ----------- - - ---- - - -----
             Wed.nesday,  July  30.- Metro  pr esents
        ♦                                                      •
                          Buster    KEA Keaton
                         In  his  first  feature  -comedy
                        '''THE  THree    AGES''
                ,Buster  will  make  you  howl-as  a  caveman,  a  noble   ♦
             Roman,  a  modern  youth.  Hilariously  funny,  pulsating  with
             thrills-the love  force  working :hrough  three ages.
             2  Ree l  Comedy                International  News
         ♦   ----    ---------------------                     .
         ♦   Th ursday,  Jul y  31.-Adolph Zukor  and J.  L.  Lasky presentt>
                        THOMIAS  MEIGHAN''
                      In  his  latest  and  greatest  success
         ♦                                                      ♦
                     "THE  CONFIDENCE  MAN"
              ,  It  will  be  great  news  to  everybody  that  Tom  Meighan   •
             is  here  with  a .crook  story  of  the  verile  type  of "The  Mir-
             acle  Man.,  But  that  never  to  be  forgotten  play,  which
         ♦   made him a  star, is  not better than "The  Confidence  Man."   ♦
         ♦            Mermaid  Comedy  Midnight  Blues"         ♦
         ♦    - --- -------- - -----------                      ♦
             Friday,  Au gust  1.-
             AGNES  A Ayres and  ANTONIO  MORENO
                     In  a -romance  of  mystery  and  suspense
         •                                                      ♦
                 What  happened to  a  girl  when  she  is  thrown  entirely
             on her  own  resources  in  New  York.  When  she  wan-ts- to
         ♦      clean  and  honorable.?                         ♦
             Cameo  Comedy  " Hang  On"       International  News   ♦
        ♦♦                                                      ♦
        •••       PROGRAM  C-ONTINUED  ON  FOURTH  PAGE        • ••
        ❖                                                      ❖
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