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PRODUCTION_ Each  squadron  ti lier  becomes:  3  MPH  x 5280  ft./hr.  x 0.5   24'  width  =  7000  cu.  yd./hr.
                                                                      cu ft.
       With  five  to  six  passes  per  lift required  to  completely  process  the  material,  the  net  production  is  approximately  1000  cy/hr  of
       embankment  per  unit. To  equal  this  kind  of  mixing  performance on  compaction,  WCC  exercised  one  option  in  the  specs  which
       permits  the  use  of equipment  not  designated,  if it can  give  results  equal  to  or  better  than  those  named  in  the  specs.  A  new
       self .propelled  sheepsfoot  roller  developed  by  Pactor  Co.  was  brought  in  on that basis.  Biggest compaction  unit is a  10 ft.  wide
       self-propelled,  double  drum  machine  made  by  R.  G.  Le  Tourneau.  It  pulls  itself  through  the  impervious  zones  at  7  mph,  and
       because  it's  a  double  drum  machine,  it  requires  only  six  passes.  Other  rollers  are  Ferguson  sheepsfoot  singles,  and  Pactor
       OTHER  EQUIPMENT  ON  JOB - When  these  pictures  were  made,  WCC  was  pouring  over  30,000  cu  yd  a day  in  the  impervious
       zone  alone,  to  get  a  closure  before  fall  rains.  The  "market"  idea  is  paying  off  in  unlimited  surface  dumping  capability  on  the
       fill. WCC's  Project  Manager  called  on  three  tested  equipment  systems to  move  yardage  fast.  Rubber-tire motorized  scrapers  race
       from  borrow  pits  to  fill  zones  with  impervious  and  marginal  materials.  In  the  riverbed,  swinging  almost  lazily  with  power  to
       spare,  a big  191-M  Marion  dragline,  loads  trucks with  a  rattle  of  bridle  chain  on  each  dump,  excavating  riverbed  cobbles.  And
      a shovel-truck  system,  again  involving  a  Marion  191-M,  is  handling  the  coarse,  heavy  cobbles  and  gravel  whose  sheer  weight
      will  buttress  the  dam's  downstream  zone.  The  scraper  fleet  includes  six  Cat  666's,  five  Cat  657's  and  sixteen  Euclid  SS40's.
       Pushloaded  by  Cat  Quad-9's  they  excavate  prewatered  borrow  material  that's  slightly  on  the  dry  side  and  not  well  pulverized
       when  it reaches  Zone  1.  As  the  extra  water  pours  in  from  water  tankers,  processing  begins  immediately. Wabco  65  haulers with
       modified  Athey wagons  are  hauling from the  191-M shovel  and  dragline.  The  material  they  haul  goes  into  the  28  chimney-drain
      zone  or the  Zone  3  previous  shell  zone.
      TEST  FILL  HELPS  SELECT  EQUIPMENT - DWR  engineers  actually  built a test  fill, from  local  materials to determine the  types
      and  sizes  of  processing  equipment  the  contractor  would  be  required  to  furnish.  DWR  engineers  then  coordinated  their  studies
      of  the  test  fill  with  their  own  past  experience  in  earth  and  rock  dams.  And  recommendations  made  by  the  U.  S.  Bureau  of
       Reclamation  were  considered.

                            FROM  THESE  EXPERIMENTS  AND  STUDIES  CAME  THESE
              1.  Prewetting  of  borrow  areas  for  impervious  zones.
              2.  Heavy  duty  disc  mixing  of  impervious  zone  materials  by  squadron  wheel  tillers.  Purpose:  to  break  up
                 shale  lumps,  to  mix  the  various  types  of  materials  thoroughly,  and  to  get  uniform  distribution  of  the
                 moisture  content  through  the  soil,  including that  added  on  the  fill.
              3.  Sheepsfoot  rolling  of  plastic  soils,  with  foot-area  weight  of  not  less  than  4000  lbs.  per  lin.  ft.  of
                 drum  length.
              4.  Vibratory  compaction  for  the  granular  previous  zones.
      "Ideally," said the DWR  engineer  in  charge of compaction,  "we  like  to  get  1 %  above  optimum  moisture  in  the  impervious  zone
      before  compaction. That gives  us  a plastic core  that won't  develop  shear  planes  and  settlement the  way  it would  if it was  com-
      pacted  on  the  dry side.  Also,  it helps to  compensate  for evaporative  losses."  Western  Contracting  has  placed  about  18,400,000
      cy yd  as  of October  1,  1969, and  has  26,600,000 cu  yd  remaining.  By  observing  the  "market"- input  fundamental  of high  speed
      earthmoving all  the way,  Travis  expects  to  furnish  Castaic  Dam  with  time to  spare.

                                                                            Sold By

          POST  OFFICE  BOX  6096  •  TELEPHONE  ( 714)  542-6767
         2111  WEST  17TH  ST ..  SANTA  ANA,  CALIFORNIA,  U .S .A .  92706
         Design,  material and/ or specifications are  subject  to
         change without notice and without liability  therefor.
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