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          Sunday,  April  27,  1941.  Palmdale,   ed  considerable  history  of  the  ghost
        9:30  A.M.  Visiting  Blackbird  Can-  town  which  is  both  variable and in-
        yon, a  small canyon extending south  teresting.
        from  Ana  Verde  Valley  into  the   The  next  stop,  or  rather  scenic
        Sierra  Pelona  Range.   Ana  Verde   drive,  was Odessa Canyon,  a  seven
        Valley  is  part  of  the  great  San  An-  mile  ride  through  the  Calico  Moun-
        dreas  fault.  The  following  minerals   tains.  There  one  may  see  the  old
        were  found  there:  actinolite,  Stea-  drifts  and  tunnels  of  some  of  the
        tite,  manganite,  and  garnierite;  also   old  mines.
        some very good crystals of a  mineral   The  next  stop was Borate,  another
        that is not yet identified.  Those mak-  ghost  town,  the scene of  some of  the
        ing  this  trip  saw  one  of  the  finest   activities  of  "Borax"  Smith.  It  is
        displays  of  wild  flowers  seen  in   reached  via  Mule  Canyon  although
        years.  The  next  stop  was  Portal   in the '80s it boasted a  narrow gauge
        Ridge  where  we  found  piedmontite   railroad  connecting  with  the  Santa
        in  a  schist  outcrop.  This  is  all  new   Fe's  main  line  at  Daggett.  Minerals
        country  for  collectors  to  work.
                                            collected there were satinspar,  price-
                  Three  Day  Trip          ite,  colemanite,  selenite  crystals,  ce-
          May  30-31,  June  L  1941.  Through   lestite  crystals,  chert,  and  jasper.
        the courtesy of the Los Angeles Lapi-  Sunday,  Oct.  26,  1941.  Sharktooth
        dary  Society  we  were  permitted  to   Hill,  situated  about  seven  miles
        join  them  on  a  three  q.ay  trip  to  a   northeast  of  Bakersfield.
        new  geode  deposit  about  35  miles   Since  its  discovery  eighty  years
        southeast  of  Harvey's  Well  on  high-  ago  it  has  been  the  scene  of  dig-
        ways  60  and  70.  This  was  a  dry   gings  of  many  paleontologists  and
        camp in the low  mountains.  A  three   many  papers  have  been  written
        days'  supply of  water and  eats  had  about  it.  The  Pacific  Mineralogist
        to  :Ce  carried by all  cars.  The  quali-  for  December,  1936  has  a  paper  by
        ty and quantity of  material  collected  Mr.  Paul  VanderEike  of  Bakersfield
        exceded  all  expectations.  Several  which  is  as  good  a  condensed  his-
        fine  amethyst  geodes  were  brought  tory  as  can  be  found  anywhere.
        back.                                 The  3000  miles  covered  on  these
          Sunday,  Sept.  28,  1941.  Santa  Fe  field  trips  brought  not  only  added
        Station,  Barstow,  9:30  A.M.  at  the  pleasures  and  new  friendships,  but
        ghost  town  of  Calico  with  its  Wall   revealed  many  of  nature's  wonders
        Street  Canyon,  we  visited  the  old   in  canyons,  streams,  valleys  and
        silver  mine  which  produced  over  60   mountains  of  our  own  outdoor
        million  dollars  in  the  '80s  and  early  country-and  proved  profitable  in
        '90s.  At  the present time Larry Coke  added stores to collections and much
        is  operating  some  of  the  workings   fine  material  that  will  keep  the lapi-
        and maintains a  museum of minerals  dary  wheels  turning  for  sometime
        and relics  of  Calico.  He  has  collect-  to  come.

                          SELECTED  MINERAL  SPECIMENS
                                  OF- HIGHEST'  QUALITY
                                       W 'rite  to
                            SCHORTMANN'S  MINERALS
              6  McKinley  Avenue                    Easthampton,  Mass.
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