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This remarkable photo sequence
                                                                            shows the knockout of Alexander.
                                                                            Far left: A  powerful right just
                                                                            under the heart makes Joe wince.
                                                                            Left: A  followup  left hook
                                                                            buckles Joe's knees. Reading
                                                                                           \  .
                                                                            down; A  right dumps Alexander
                                                                            with such force  his . legs fly
                                                                            into the air.  Bottom: He's out!
                                                                            fool  I  was,"  he  rememberp  thjnk-
                                                                            ing.  "Sticking my chin out and get-
                                                                            ting  hit  like  that.  I  net/er  saw the
                                                                            punch  coming.  If  I  haq  t  sure· a~
                                                                            hell  wouldn't  have  stuck  my  chin
                                                                            out like that and said 'Hit me.':
                                                                              "It was an accident. It could hap-
                                                                            pen  to anybody. You  gonna tell me
                                                                            Muhammad  Ali  stuck  his chin  out
                                                                            on  purpose  when  Frazier  caught
                                                                            him?  You  gonna  tell  me  he  stuck
                                                                            it  out  when  Cooper  hit  h~m?  I
                                                                            wasn't taunting  him by sticking my
                                                                            chin out and saying 'Hit me.' He just
                                                                           . caught  me  when  I  wasn't expect-
                                                                            ing  it."
                                                                              The  blow · did  snap  Jerry  out  of
                                                                            his· first  round  lethargy,  caused  by
                                                                            a combination of Alexander's awk-
                                                                            w·ardness  ·a'nd  Quarry's  lack  of
                                                                             ·,,1  just  haven't  had  that  m_uch
                                                                            action," Jerry noted,  "My last fight
                                                                            went just 'one  round.  If you  look at
                                                                            it,  I've  had  just _seven  .rounds  of
                                                                            boxing  in the ring since a year ago
                                                                            February 9th. Now how the hell are
                                                                            you  gonna be  strong?
                                                                              "Gi_l  and  I ,talked  about  getting
                                                                            some  work  in  this  fight.  I  hoped
                                                                            it  would _ last awhile.  But the 'min-
                                                                            ute  ·1 came  back  fo  the  corner . I
                                                                            told  Gil  Tm  sorry,  Gil.  I  didn't
                                                                            mean  that.'  He  said  'Alrigh(  Get
                                                                            close to him and· start throwing and
                                                                            get him out of there.' So  I did."
                                                                              Quarry did admit the pressure of
                                                                           · the  Frazier  fight  and  not  wanting
                                                                            to  blow it made him a little tighter.
                                                                            But he emphasized that he had not
                                                                            taken  Alexander  lig-htly  and  that
                                                                            "r trained my ass off for this fight!"
                                                                              Jerry emphasized that there was
                                                                            no  chance  Alexander could've fin-
                                                                            ished  him"-off  in  that  first  round.
                                                                            ''I'll tell you  this right now. There's
                                                                            no chance of me staying down. The
                                                                            man who beats me from here on in
                                                                           · is  going  to  have  to  beat  me  to
                                                                            death  to  beat  me.  Except  I'm  not
                                                                            going  to  get beat any  more."   □
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