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-UENTIN TARANTINO knows the.secret of yuletide
                                        gift giving: Get them something they wouldn't get
                                        thf ~selves. After all, who but Tarantino, the man who
                                           achine-gunned Hitler's face off in his WWII remix
                                           (jfiourious Basterds, would think of laying a hyper-

                                        violent all-star slave-revenge-Western fairy tale like
                                        Django Unchained (rated R) under the tree on Dec. 25?
                                          Like so,many other presents, Django was wrapped just
                                        in time. After seven months of production, additional

                                        reshoots, weather complications, a revolving-door cast
                                        list, a sudden death, and a sprint to the finish in the editing
                                        room, Tarantino has managed to deliver the film for its
                                        festive release date. With that long, dusty trail now behind
                                       , him, the filmmaker slumps beneath a foreign-language
                           .  '         \Pulp Fiction poster in a corner of Do Hwa, the Korean
             '          l '  l          , ~staurant he co-owns in Manhattan's West Village, and
            ◄           ,  1            av mits he's tired. "It's been a long journey, man."
   ,        I   I         i

        26 I EW.COM Dec,a 21,  2012
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