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For an  Ozark  Mountain background, Paramount took its Technicolor crew and  200 actors   ling the Missouri country where Harold Bell Wright once preached and from which he drew
            5,000 ft. up in the San Bernardino Mountains of California. Here they found a locale resemb-  his characters.  Fishing in the lake is Betty Field, who plays Wright's heroine, Sammy Lane.

            A stranger to the hill folk is Dan Howitt  (Harry Carey) who buys  Moaning Meadow from   At  Moaning  Meadow the Shepherd visits the hut of Sarah Matthews, who returned from the
            ~atthews family for $1,000.  For his kindness, Howitt comes to be known as the Shepherd.   city to bear a son and die.  Son's father, whom the Matthews have sworn to kill,  is Shepherd.
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