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THE  S.llTURD.R.Y  EVENING  POST                                                    85
         canvas.  I  stepped . back.  The  referee  too!"  I  think it was  the first  time in
         said:  "He  ain't  on  the  floor!"  I  his -life  Tom Sharkey had ever  met a
         couldn't hit old  Peter Jackson then-  man  as  strong  as  he  was.  He  quit   lJon't let
         he was helpless-and the ref wouldn't  roughing me for a little while.
         count.  I  went  to  the  ropes,  grabbed   In  the  ten th,  another bleacher  sec-
         the old boy off  them and laid him out.  tion went down.  I  heard the crash.  I
         That's the way the great Peter Jackson  heard the yells and groans, and I knew   _///aziizg-Suns
         took  his  last  knockout  in  the  ring.  the mob was rioting again.  But I  was
         Small credit to me.                down in the ring slugging the Sailor-
           Mexican Pete Everett comes next-  and  being  slugged-and I  didn't find
         and  the  biggest  laugh  of  my  ring  out what had happened until the fight   deaden !fOUr HAIR !
         career.  If I  was to name the toughest-  was over.  Tom didn't give me time to
         looking  mug  I  ever  went  up  against,  find out.
         I'd  give  you  Mexican  Pete,  straight,   Greggains  held  up  my hand  at the                                         ~
         place and show.  If you asked me which  end of Round 20.  I think it was right-
         was  the  most  harmless,  I'd  also  give  I  think I  won it. Tom thought a  draw
         you Mexican Pete.                  was  the worst he  could have got,  but
           They  didn't  let  Pete  even  see  me  he didn't yell. All he asked for was an-
         until  just  before  time  to  ring  the  other chance.  He told the world he'd
         gong-Frank  Carr,  Pete's  manager,  wreck me next  time  he  got me in  the
         was  afraid he'd run out.  My brother  ring.
         Jack  signed  the  articles  in  my  place,   We battled our way out through the
         and on fight night he went in the ring  mob.
         and sat in my corner until just before   People say Tom hated my guts after
         the gong.  Then I  jumped in. The min-  that  fight,  but  that  wasn't  true.  He
         ute  the  fight  started,  Mexican  Pete  thought he could lick me; he wanted a
         Everett  began  running.  He  made  no  chance  to fight me again.  He wanted
         bones about it-he just turned and ran  another chance to paste hell out of me,
         around the ring as fast as  he could.  I  but he  didn't hate  me.  Tom  Sharkey
         got plenty of exercise, and the mob got  was a fighting man.
         a  three-round laugh.  I  knocked  Pete
         out in the third with a  right swing  to   Coming  to  Grief in  the East
         the middle of his back.
           Two  weeks  later,  on  the  night  of   Twenty-five  years later I  talked  to
         May  6,  1898,  they  handed  me  quite  Sharkey  about  that  fight.  "Tom,"  I
         a different proposition, and we packed  asked  him,  '' did  you  see  the  balcony
         the  old  Mechanics  Pavilion  with  the  crash that night? "
         biggest mob that had ever attended a   "I was  too busy," he said.  Then he
         bout  in  the  U.  S.  A.  And  it  was  a  gave me that stubborn Irish grin of his.
         mob too.                           "Did you?" he asked.
           Tom Sharkey --                     '' I wouldn't have had time to see the
           Listen,  that  first  night  I  fought  whole building fall down," I  told him.
         Sailor Tom Sharkey  was a  brawl from   After that Sharkey fight,  Billy  De-
         start to finish.  Tom and I  had to fight  laney  started  out  to  get  Bob  Fitz-
         our  way  into  the  ring,  we  battled  simmons  for  me.  He  figured  I  was  Give your hair the _                     it needs
         twenty rounds inside the old ropes, and  ready.  So did I.  But it was a year and
         we had to fight our way out again.   one  month  before  we  finally  got  the   ... Vit.alis and the                       o;rk~out
                                            shot.  There  was  not as  much stalling
            Toe to Toe With Tom  Sharkey    about a  championship promotion then
                                            as  there is  now,  but there was plenty.
           Jim  Coffroth  promoted  more  busi-  Delaney and I  went East,  the sum-                               -you,know,  yourself, that sum-
         ness  on  that  fight  than  the  Pavilion  mer of 1898, aiming to line up the fight                          mer's hard on hair ... Daily
         was built to handle, and he'd rigged up  for ourselves.  All we got out of it was                          burnings  and  hleachings  by  the
         a lot of temporary bleachers and seats.  a  busted  hand  for  me  and  a  lot  of   has  a  chance.       sun  ... DaHy  dips  or  showers
         One section crashed while  Tom and  I  grief for  Delaney.
         were  waiting  in  the  dressing  rooms.   My first  fight  in the  East was  sup-                · flood _ away  the  natural,
         Just by a  miracle,  nobody was  killed,  posed  to  be  a  double-header-I  was                           necessary +~ils.
         but  the  mob  stampeded  out  of  the  going to fight Bob Armstrong,  the big   10  SECONDS  TO             That's why;r
                                                                              comb  and  brush -
         wreck and down in to the reserved sec-  Negro,  and  Steve  O'Donnell  on  the   your  hair  looks  rich,   hair demands Vitalis and the 60-
         tions.  It took 'l'om and me fifteen min-  same night, at Tom O'Rourke's Lenox   lustrous, with none of
         utes to buck through to the ring.  Alex  Athletic  Club.  I'd  come  East  to  ask   that  unnatural  "pat•   Second  Workout.  Use  it  often.
                                                                              ent-leather" look.
         Greggains,  the referee,  hustled us  out  for a chance at Fitz, and I had to show                       , _ Douse it liberally. Ruh it in, and
         almost before we got the gloves on; he  the  wise  boys  what  I  could  do.  I                          I  rub it hard .. • . Tight, dry scalps
         jabbered  the  instructions  at  us  and  showed them.  I  cracked my left hand                          \.  loosen.  Burned  hair  takes  on
         gave the office for the gong.      on  Armstrong's  hard  black  skull  in                                l new life. Circulation quickens ...
           Outside  the  ring  they  quit  rioting,  Round  2;  I  licked  him,  but  I  didn't
         then,  because  Tom  and  I  put  on  a  knock him out.  Furthermore, the hand                            t The pure vegetable oils of Vitalis
         worse riot inside it: Tom Sharkey was  was  in no  shape for  another fight  the                          \help' replenish the natural oils ...
         on top of me from the second the gong  same  night,  and  old  Tom  O'Rourke                              "Loose ·dand-ruff  is  defeated  .  .  .
         rang,  and  he  stayed  there  from  then  wouldn't let me  go  on.  The  next  day                       t Y ou'i:e helping your hair to help
         on. We stood head to head,  toe to toe,  the New York newspapers panned me.                              )  itself-to save itself;
         for twenty rounds and slugged at each   The day I got the plaster cast off my
         other with everything in  the book.  I  hand,  three  weeks  later,  I  went  to                          "  Now  brush  your  hair.  Note
         drove him back,  time and again,  just  work again  in  the  old  Reliance  Club,                         rhow  he~lthy  it  looks.  How well
         by the weight of  the punches  I  threw  back in Oakland. That afternoon I  got                          .r!ht stays in place. What a natural
         to his belly,  but I  never stopped him,  a wire from William A. Brady, offering                        ,- come-hack it makes. No "patent-
         never knocked him down, never seemed  me a fight with Fitz.                                                leather" look. Get the 60-Second
         to hurt him.  You know what Sharkey   Brady  had  been  sore  at  Delaney
         was like-there was only one of him -  ever  since  the  Carson  City  training                             Vitalis  Workout habit  today.
          stocky, with a chest like a beer keg, not  camp, and his wire offered me the title                        Your druggist carries Vitalis.
         enough neck to hoist his chin out.  He  shot if I'd put myself under the man-
         was quick as a cat.  He was a punishing  agement of  William A.  Brady for  the                             ASK  YOUR  BARBER-
                                                                                                                     He's  an  expert  on  scalp
         puncher.  He  swarmed  in  and  threw  next two years.                                                      and  hair.  When  he  says
         gloves, and the only way you could get   "How about it?" I  asked  Delaney,                                 Vitalis~take  his  advice.
         him off you was to knock him off.   when I  got the wire.
           He was good and rough too. Along in   We had to play with Brady, or not
          the seventh that night-with the mob  play:  but  Brady's  offer  meant  that
          jammed right up against the ring, yell-  Billy Delaney would be out.  Delaney   VITAL I'S
          ing  its  head  off-I  grabbed  Tom  by  only said: "Well, you want Fitz, don't
          both  shoulders,  shook  him  up  and  you?''
          threw  him  into  the  ropes.  The  next   I  took  Delaney  East  with  me,
          time we  got in close,  I  yelled  at hi.m:  though;  and  Mr.  Brady and  I  had  a  KEEPS   HAIR  HEALTHY  AND  HANDSOME
          "If you want to  play rough,  I'll play  showdown:  Brady was  a  good  scout
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