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. Sting'·is bac

                            WILL  FLAI
         By MIKE

                  The NWA belt hangs in the balance!

                                                                              E     ven  though  he  was
                                                                                   nearly  permanently  in-
                                                                                   jured at the hands of the
                                                                              Four  Horsemen,  Sting  con-
                                                                              tinues to be a king-sized thorn
                                                                              in  the  side  of Ric  Flair  and
                                                                              company  as  he  launches  his
                                                                              comeback attempt.  His  target:
                                                                              the NW A World Heavyweight
                                                                              Championship.  Despite  sus-
                                                                              taining  a  ripped  patella  ten-
                                                                              don,  a  career . ending  injury
                                                                              for  most athletes,  the  Stinger
                                                                              embarked on a rigorous  reha-
                                                                              bilitation program to get back
                                                                              into the ring.  Fully recovered,
                                                                              he's now ready to take on the
                                                                              Horsemen  and  avenge  his
                                                                                When the injury took place
                                                                              in Corpus Christi, it was evi-
                                                                              dent that the Horsemen feared
                                                                              Sting's wrath.  After expelling
                                                                              him  from  the  group,  they
                                                                              tried  to  get  him  eliminated
                                                                              from  the  sport  permanently,
                                                                              rather  than  meet  him  some-
                                                                              where  down  the  road.  After
                                                                              Ole  formally  kicked  him  out
                                                                              oJ the group  on national tele-
                                                                              vision,  Sting was  attacked  in
                                                                              the  parking  lot  by  the
                                                                              Horsemen.  Instead  of putting
                                                                              Sting on the shelf forever,  the
                                                                              Horsemen merely awakened a

                                                                             This  is  Ric  Flair's  worst
                                                                             nightmare.  Sting has not only
                                                                             returned from  his knee injury at
                                                                             the hands of the Four
                                                                             Horsemen, but he seems
                                                                             stronger and tougher than ever!
                                                                             In  a recent match in
                                                                             Philadelphia, Sting came very
                                                                             close to  taking  Flair's  champi-
                                                                             onship belt.  Here, the Stinger
                                                                             has the Nature Boy trapped in
                                                                             the corner,  and he's ready to
                                                                             dish out the  punishment!
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