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EL  RODEO+ .. +
                          .       ,~      .
              A  Colorful  Page - from  the  Historic  Past
              J UST.  as  ~n~land's  triu.mph~  i~1 .. battle  have  been  credited
                to  the  trammg  of  that  nat1011 s.  war  leaders  on  the  foot-
                ball  fields  ,of  Eton,  so  has  the  winning  of  the  West  given
                immortal  glory  to  that  far  sturdier  breed  whqse  ,da,sqing
              horsemanship,  lea'rned  and  nurtured  on  ranch  and  range,  van-
              quished  mountain,  desert  and  plain,  and  wo·n  'the  way  to
              the  Pacific.
                  It  is  to  bring  back  and  perpetuate  a  true  picture  of  that
              great  epoch  in  the  history  of  this  nation  that  _ the  Golden
              State  Ranch  invites  you  to  spend  an  afternoon  in  the  great
              O}ltdoors,  with  a  touch  of  the  desert  before  you  and  the  high
              hills  walling  you  in  with  the  glamorous,  colorful  past.  To-
              day  you  are  living  history  with  the  sons  and  grandsohs  of
              the  men  who  made  it.
                  This  year  the  prize  money  has  been  considerably  in-
              creased,  in  order  to  insure  participation  at  the  Rodeo  of  the
              best  riders  in  the  world.  Additional  seating  accommodation
              has  been  provided,  and  every  care  taken  for  your  safety
              and  comfort.
                  We  offer  you  this  year  the  greatest  bronco  herd  that  has
              ever  been  gathered  together.  Among  their  number  are  sev-
              eral  with  international  reputations.  My  own  stock  has  been
              augmented  by  a  herd  from the _northern part of  the  State.  The
              cowboys  and  _ cowgirls'  who  compete  and  succeed  in  their
             -rides  may  well  be  credited  with  rare  courage  and  horseman-
              ship  of  the  highest  type.   The  c;:1Jtle  are  the  best  Brahma
              stock  the  counry  affords,  · paricularly  adapted,  because  of
              their  speed,  for  testing.  the  ability  of  competitors.
               -_ The  Golden  State  Ranch  Rodeo  has  already  achieved  rec-
              ognition  as  a  national  event briµging  to  the  Southwest  the
              fame  it  justly  deserves  as  oti'e: of  ·the· great  horse  and  stock
             centers  of  the  country: _ ·  No ,. expense  has , been  spared  in
             bringing  this  about: - Each  year  the ·Rodeo  grows  bigger  and
              better  and  enjoys  the  increasing· support  of  the  people.
                  I  greet  y~u, _a~ . my  g u~sts __ Jor .  todc!-Y,. and  in  thanking
              you  for  your  patrona·ge  Wah f  you  to  feet  that  every  year,
              for  at  least  -one  day · ·of  ·care-free  recreation,  the  Golden
              Stat:<r'.' Ranch·  ~'es  SU  casa''  {is  your  home}:- · .
                                          .  -    HOOT  GIBSON.
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