Page 4 - lw9801program
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llarble Center
                        Learn How to Be a Marble Shooter!

          Kids of the past have joined us to their games like Cat's
                      Cradle, Button on a String, and Jacks!

                                People in History
          Visit with Colonel and Martha. Kitchell, Tiburcio Vasquez, John
              and Mrs.  Lang, and more! Volunteer actors portraying
          characters in SCV History are roaming the grounds!  Stop and
                 chat with one for  a unique historical experience!

                    Enjoy the visit by the 1800's Gunslingers!

                    Be sure to visit all of our sites including-
             . One Room Schoolhouse Replica on the Auditorium Stage
                               Kaking Rag Rugs
                                 Spinning Wool
                                Storytelling Circle
                                  Quilting Circle

                                  Food Booths
                           Barbecued Beef Sandwiches
                        Hot Dogs, Kettle Chi~, Root Beer
                Caramel Apples, Penny Candy, Cookies, and Popcorn
                                    Ice Cream
                      Lemonade, Water, and Iced Tea Stand

            You can purchase food  from one of our booths or bring your own picnic
                             <Don't forget  your blanket!>
          Enjoy your lunch by the center stage and delight in the entertainment or
          spread out under a tree or on the grass to songs of yesteryear played by
                               wandering musicians!
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