Page 14 - lyonsdockweilerdeir081617
P. 14

City of Santa Clarita                                                               August 2017

               discussion  of  potential  growth  inducing  effects,  and  an  explanation  of  the  significant  irreversible
               environmental changes.

               Section  6  (Alternatives  to  the  Project):    This  section  includes  an  analysis  of  a  range  of  reasonable
               alternatives  to  the  proposed  Project.  The  Alternative  Analysis  includes  the  following  development
               scenarios: (a) No Project Alternative;  (b) Alignment Alternative 1;  (c) Alignment Alternative 2; and  (d)
               an Environmentally Superior Alternative.

               Section 7 (Preparers of the Draft EIR and Persons Consulted):  This section presents a list of lead agency
               and consultant team members that contributed to the preparation of the Draft EIR.

               Section 8 (Acronyms and Abbreviations):  This section provides definitions for all of the acronyms and
               abbreviations used in this Draft EIR.

               Lyons Avenue/Dockweiler Drive Extension Project                             1. Executive Summary
               SCH No. 2013082016                                                                     Page 1-6
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