Page 3 - meredith1899
P. 3

ABORIGINAL  ART  IN  OBSIDIAN.                                       257

                 The serrations are a striking feature of all  the  pecimens shown, save
              one which is  not  of obsidian.
              These Indians did not attempt
              serration,  so  far  as  I  know,
              except  in  obsidian.       Artistic
              arrows  of  jasper,  agate  and
              fossil wood  are  found  along
              with  these  curious  "curves "
              but  never  serrated.  In  the
              series of  six arrows,  the  four
              smaller  are  from  near Sacra-
              mento,  the  two  larger  from
               near Stockton, The "spears"
              are of a  series  of eight  in the
               writer's  collection  and  were
               found  all  together  20  miles
               west of Stockton.  The other
               arrows  are  from  an  ancient
               burial  place  within the 1 imits
               of this city.
                 The  curved  artifects  are
               found  at  Stockton,  and  here
              only.•      Some  of them  have
               not  only  the  simple  curve,
               shown by the illustration, but
               a  compound  or  lateral  curve.
               No.  16,  for  instance,  is  bent
              to  the  left  till  its  point  is  far  out
              of line.
                 A more exact acquaintance with the
              miscalled " Digger Indian ' ' will make
              him a more  interesting  creature  than
              he has been.      Instead of the mo  t  d  -
               based of Indian culture-types, he  ma
              yet appear not only the most harmless              . M. DavisEn .
              of American  Indians,  but  among the               Writer's  collection  ; tw  -third  natural   ze.
              most artistic and the most amenable to civilization .

                  . tockton  al.

                  •  r.  M  eredith's "curv  " h  v  m de  oon  id  rabl  t rouble  amon  unread  or untraveled collectors  a
              simple matter of fact, they are m  r  ly artl!e  la mad  of that ahap  ,  be  u  e  th  t shap  ia Lbe natural clen  e of
               th  nodular ob  ldlan ace   ibl  to  tbo.e Indian  .  A1  th  y couldn't d  pend  n  i   hr  king  trai;ht, lh  y  wo1k  d
               it u  It did hr  ak.  l\nd  m  d  their  koh   Lhu   lckl  ••hap~.  A   very uperL kno,  ,  this shape  !1  peculiarly
               elf  ti..-e for  certai n  k1nd1  of  cuttillg ;  but  Lhe  Indian  adopt  d  It  im pl)  becau   hi  mat  rial  fore d  him  to.
               Like most di   'I'  ri  , ii  wu por  ly ems,iric   •  to   nation, tbe  r~   o  the  lnd i  n  1ernted  o  idlua  and no
               other  tone I  m  r11l:r that ob1idian la th  only Hon  that  can   rr  t  d. practk  lly.  There  i  no doubt in ru:r
               oiind of the autb  otlc:ity of any of the  peci   D  11ho  n  lo  th   cu  .  "  ·un ·  •·  have Ill  o   n  found  lo  Inyo
              county,  C&l.- ».
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