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Sustainable Preservation: California’s Statewide Historic Preservation Plan, 2013-2017

               Our Vision

               A majority of Californians will feel a sense of stewardship for the historical and cultural
               resources in their communities and, therefore, consider themselves preservationists. This
               majority will represent all walks of life (ages, abilities, professions, cultural and educational
               backgrounds, etc.) and will actively use, maintain, and advocate for historical resources.
               Preserved resources in California will celebrate our state’s complete and complex heritage,
               and their interpretation will reveal the deep and multi-layered history they represent.

               Communities making land use planning decisions will look upon preservation of historical
               resources as a first, or ideal, option. Preservation advocates, tribal representatives, non-
               profit organizations, and regulatory and land-managing agencies will regularly and routinely
               communicate; in this way, all groups will develop strong, ongoing relationships that
               transcend any one project or planning process.

               Financing entities and investors will embrace preservation as a worthwhile and solid
               investment. A variety of incentives will be available for preservation of cultural resources,
               and these incentives will be clear to and usable by a wide variety of people.
               Historical and cultural resources will serve as a source of shared pride, valued by all
               community members. As such, they will be seen as worthy investments of time and
               Communities will view historic preservation as a significant contributor to their economic,
               environmental, and social sustainability.

                 Word cloud generated from the text in the plan's vision statement—the bigger the font, the
                 more times that word is used in the vision

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