Page 14 - perkins_manuscript_ch2
P. 14

·"'hC.,/HJ!-1'  ;-.!
                                                 .. r ;e  lt.3

                                 hile hunting £or  aomethil'l_g  entirely different .

                                                  ________  a  r>robablo  d1vialon  .into  .rire  e  ~ rtt.-•:nts,   . e

                                l  ·  1e,  p1•ob  bly  the  raiu  d·  Woll,  in  tho  south ..  001-ner  ol  uhicll wi s  t

                                kiln wh  re  t.ue  til  was  probtbJ.y  bakei;l,  .,  1cl  adjoi 1i:n.3  which w•ia_ cts.otl.or

                                adobe  store roomo  ·

                                         .A  .Pl~ ot  nco11st:t7ttotion,  simil 1:r  to  tllut  at  R...veraide,  )las

                               dug  tl_ e  1.Ue  floor  out  ~nd  pr•,ctioal¾V ,;  -ocked  tho  ·truoture  in  c-i  futile

                                ei'fort  to  i~d  the  tr a  ure  ne  archaeologist~  had  1  cated Ullde-     he
                                tiled floors  .... ·  -vident ,y  flgu.ring  that.,  a~  the dig  er  inv  riabl ·  sto:pped

                               ove1·  the- tiles  to  d isc.ourago  a.uyone  trom  stoaling  thei.  bofo:-...,, ,  .1.eavir i,,

                                there  !ilWH  have  be .n  . i ss ion  gold  hiddcm  ~.1  •  the · ..  - , .

                                that  11  Oalifo. :n1a  .t.ndio  s  ,ere  stone af~t¾  1_100· \le,  -~uhout  use,  llOStm~s-

                                ion  or  iU101:lodge  o:e  :.iet ... l,  t}1at  the  £hat  rol  uisoove~.  ?ere  l.n  1842 ...
                                and  that  the  ission lia.d  been  secularized  in 1834,  o1gbt  · eb .. :s  before

                                th  tu.ate,.

                                         The  site of  ~1e  bUiJ..ding was  o:n  tk e  projoctin;:;

                                the  creek e  s+ie:rly  fr01.  'd'Jtaio .Tuncuon,  a.  l: ig'l  elbo~,  01·

                                         Up  to  l804t  the  Valley b.  d  suff :;re,l  little c  ~

                               was  ti  aligh  in.fiLration of .~iusion  :rJ.dia:u                       l  toot r

                               fro .  th  liss io11  to  be  a                     o  tr·ditioual  cu  tou1a.
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