Page 271 - saugus1985yearbook
P. 271

I.  Frosh  find  sixth period  hard
                                                                             to  handle.  2.  Mr.  McGrath
                                                                             keeps the world in perspective.
                                                                             3.  Rick  Comins  and  Shelli
                                                                             Schuster  aren't  complaining
                                                                             about  the lack of chairs at  the
                                                                             Homecoming  Dance. 4.  Tennis
                                                                             Snoopy  knows  how  to  finish
                                                                             the day. 5. The memories made
                                                                             on  the  playing  field  are  the
                                                                             best memories of all.  Opposing
                                                                             page,  I.  The  highlights  of  Sau-
                                                                             gus  High  School.  2.  Toni  and
                                                                             Lisa  laugh  about  their  chemis-
                                                                             try  results.  3.  Phil  watches
                                                                             temperatures  rise  at  Saugus

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