Page 31 - saugus1990yearbook
P. 31

Making  a  difficult  decision,  Payam  Sarraf tries  to  make  a
                                          choice between  a  comedy and an action  film.  T

       the WEEKEND report

       With  five  days  of  grueling  lec-  ited  Centurion  can  always  be  seen  spend  their  much  deserved  week-
    tures and dittos, endless amounts of  rooting for the Saugus team at home  ends  laboring  at  Lucky's  or  Mer-
    homework,  and hours of practicing  games,  and  eating  out  at  McDon-     vyn's  or  Magic  Mountain.
    a chosen  sport,  every student looks  ald's  or  Round  Table  after  the     But whether we  use the weekend
    forward to a fun-filled and relaxing  game.  Many more spend  hours go-      as  time  to  relax  and  enjoy  life,  or
   . two  days-normally labeled  as  the  ing  on  a  shopping  spree  at  the  just to catch up in a class that's way
    weekend.                              N orthridge  Fashion  Center or just  over  our  heads,  it  is  still  apparent
      Students  spend  their  weekends  hanging out at a  friend's  house.      that the weekend is  a vital antidote
    catching the latest flick at the local   Also,  to  meet  those  dreaded  car  to our hectic school  life.
    Mann  10, or taking a relaxing fish-  payments  or  to  raise  some  pocket
    ing trip to nearby Castaic. The spir-  money,  a  majority  of the  students

                                                                                                   Weekend  27
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