Page 20 - saugus2001yearbook
P. 20

(Right)  Dustin  Garcia  helps
                                                          Michelle Schlender with the fi-
                                                          nal stages of a Biotechnology
                                                           (Below) Mr. Manalastasdiffer-
                              (Below) Jason Apperson, dur-
                                                           entiates  between  the  radius
                              ing his stay at the Los Angeles
                                                           and the ulna, as Daniel Wright
                              Public  Library,  reads  one  of
                                                           and Casey Benesch prepare for
                              his  resources  for  his  term
                                                           their lab practical.

                            Did  we  have any homework last night is  the question that many students ask

                            when they first walk in each of their classes.  Although this question may make

                            students appear nonchalant in  regard to

                            school, their reasons for  asking are legit.
                                                                          In  Academic Decath-
                            Some  are  faced  with  an  overload  of  re-
                                                                          lon, William Shipley
                            sponsibilities  that puts academics at the
                                                                          sorts  out the  papers
                            bottom  of  the  list.  This  overload,  how-
                                                                          on  his desk in  an  at-
                            ever, is not the result of compelling teach-  tempt to  organize  the

                            ers; but instead, a choice that is influenced   facts  in  his  mind.

                            by  peers  and  ultimately  made  by  each

                            student.  This choice of going above and beyond standard expectations repre-

                            sents what academics at Saugus is all about. While the challenge that academics

                            poses may allow you to forget what your motivation was for working so hard in

                            the first place, it is important to retreat from the arduous battle every so often and

                            focus on your goals-your incentive to strive in the academic realm.
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