Page 4 - sc_newhallredevelopment19972012
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Enterprise Zone benefits along with land use designations in the Downtown and North Newhall Specific Plans provides
        incentives for developers and businesses to invest in the downtown Newhall area.

        In 2009, during the height of the Great Recession, the Agency allocated $100,000 for grants up to $5,000 for eligible
        small  businesses  within  the  Project  Area.  A  total  of  20  small  businesses  received  these  grants  and  took  classes  on
        marketing  and  customer  service  at  the  local  Small  Business  Development  Center.  The  grantees  used  their  funds  to
        increase  their  marketing,  sponsor  local  events,  provide  upgrades  to  their  business  operations,  complete  physical
        improvements to their place of business and purchase inventory.

        Also in 2009, the City obtained $300,000 of Federal Reinvestment and Recovery Act funds to offer grants to eligible
        Project Area commercial building owners to upgrade structural and aesthetic conditions in Old Town Newhall. Grants
        were limited to $55,000 per building and a total of 5 buildings received funding, representing façade improvements to
                                                         over  11  businesses.  In  addition  to  this  current  program,  past
                                                         façade   enhancement     programs   included   five   façade
                                                         improvements and two screening projects, all of which occurred
                                                         on  properties  along  Main  Street.  The  Agency  also  began  a
                                                         voluntary  chain  link  fence  removal  program  to  encourage
                                                         property  owners  to  remove  their  chain  link  fencing  and  install
                                                         wood or rod iron fencing as a means to enhance the appearance
                                                         of  the  area.  To  date,  a  number  of  properties  have  made
                           significant and voluntary enhancements to their property by removing their chain link.

        In an effort to spur private investment in to the area and maintain communication with local real estate professionals,
        Agency  Staff  conducts  ongoing  networking  events  for  local  brokers  and  property  owners  to  promote  the  overall
        revitalization of Old Town Newhall. Additionally, as a result of the public funds invested, more and more private dollars
        began being invested in the area. This includes privately funded façade improvements, property maintenances issues
        were addressed, and businesses were enhancing their signage and street presence.

        Another focus of the Agency includes bringing visitors, both local and from outside of the area, to Old Town Newhall to
        enjoy the amenities and experience the history of this unique area. A new concept was born just a few short months ago
        –  Thursdays  @  Newhall.  This  event  is  designed  to  provide  new,  interesting  and  exciting  events  every  Thursday  to
        downtown. This includes hosting a weekly, seasonal Farmers Market, a unique and eclectic monthly Art Walk and the
        signature event, Senses, a rotating theme based block party. These events have driven thousands of visitors to Main
        Street on a monthly and ongoing basis which has resulted in new and reoccurring customers in this struggling business
        district in the City.

        To further spur investment into the area and create a catalytic project using both public and private funds, the Agency
        and City assembled a 1.7 acre site at the southeast corner of Main Street and Lyons Avenue, directly adjacent to the Old
        Town  Newhall  library.  The  long-term  goal  for  this  property  was  the  development  of  an  integrated  mixed  use
        development which would have anchored the north end of Old Town Newhall. With the dissolution of redevelopment,
        this project is currently on hold.


        Redevelopment  Agencies  also  seek  to  create  a  variety  of  housing  options  for  all  families.  This  includes  developing
        affordable housing, promoting the rehabilitation of existing housing units to persons of low- and moderate-income, and
        providing infrastructure enhancements to these areas.
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