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(1)     Foot Paths and Trails.  To de\·elop, maintain and imprm·e foot
                 paths and trails, including a portion of the cross-country trail chat was eliminated by the
                 parking lot construction.

                                      (2)     Educational Uses.    To allow limited educational uses and
                 e\·ents focused on the namral, open space and scenic resources of the Conser,;ation Area,
                 provided such uses do not interfere with the purposes of this easement.

                                      (3)     Maintenance and Repair.     To maintain, repair, remo,;e and
                 replace fences, roads, trails, paths, drainage ditches, underground utilities and other
                 improvements, both existing and as required in the future.

                                       (4)    Response to Emergency Needs.       To take such actions as the
                 College deems necessary to protect the health and safety needs of those using the
                 Conservation Area and the College and community at large.

                                      (5)     Restoration and Enhancement of Conservation Values.  To
                 make improvements which are intended to manage, restore and enhance the conservation
                 ,;alues of the Conservation Area, including but not limited to alterations of topography or
                 water courses, removal of non-native plants, planting of additional native California plant
                 species, modification and/ or construction of foot paths, and installation of related
                 improvements such as benches, tables, shade structures, safety barriers, directional signage
                 and interpretive signage that promote the enjoyment of the natural qualities of the
                 Conservation Area.

                                      (6)     Control of Animals.  To control problem rodents and other
                 animals by the use of selective control techniques.

                                      (1)    Utility Easements.    To provide for underground utility
                 easements  provided such uses do not significantly impair or interfere with the purposes of
                 this easement.

                                      (8)    Other Uses.  All permitted practices and uses under this
                 easement constimce compatible uses under this easement provided, however, that to protect
                 the property's conservation values, the College may adopt further restrictions on uses and
                practices constituting permitted uses and practices under this easement.

                        3.     General Provisions

                               a..    Controlling Law.  The interpretation and performance of this easement
                shall be governed by the laws of the State of California.

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