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Santa Clarita Shakespeare
                        The Supporting Cast
            Our listinJt. if contributors that support the Summer Theatre Festival,  our
               educational programing,  and all our programs throughout the year.
                          Join us ,.._, give us your support!

                                                        Enriching Lives

      Shakespeare Circle: Leslie &  Bob Berra,  SNsan and Thomas .Richardwn,

      Pat~ons: Mike Fracassi, ]SB Development,  The Stears Fami!J

      Benefactors:, Paul and Eileen Daniels,  Shawn Fonder,  Paul Komoroskien,  Susan
      Shapiro,  Sal!J Louise White

      Sustainers: Doreen Bars.hy,  Russ Bretall,  Bc1rhi Davis, Jill _1-::.'riedman,  and Flo
      Lorilzg, Erin McBride,  Nanry Neill Jan Sandstrom,  Jackie & Marc Zev,  Stella

      Supporters:  Vera Flore,  Phil and Rina Lel!)'

      Friends:  Brenda Azamian,· Harry &  Susan Berenson, Ed Brand,  Raymond Do-
      nahry, Alan Eder, Ben & Elizabeth Froemming, John Giffen,  Trary Hagenmqyer,
      Cynthia Harris, Alexis HeinZJ Jeffrry]acobson,  Elizabeth Jenkins,  Charles &
      Yvonne Jones,  Bef!Jamin Pohlmeier, A!/ons Mqia,  Rima Raulinaitis,

      Groundlings: Tiffa,ry Abril Lefry &  Vick Ayers, John Berstrom,  Raymond,  Chibrik,
      Flo Dahlenburg,  Cheryl Dellepiane, John Giffen, Lauren HathawC!},  Diane Huml Jack
      HummeZJ  Hugh Ingraham,  Scott & Laurie Kir01,  PeterKrantZJ HoU!)I Mitchell A udrey
      Moore,  Greg Nutter,  Delaney Peterson, Jan Sandstrom, Robert ShC!J,  Paulette & Mike
      Tcherkasske,  Kathleen  Weinstein
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