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                      B     oard rooms were never dull or lifeless when John Hassel was in the room. His sharp wit and unconventional levity

                            would bring even the most heated discussion to its knees as tensions took a momentary pause to consider the
                            wisdom of his remarks.
                               More than the occasional one-liners and well-timed zingers, John brought a large dose of sense and sensibility to every school-
                       centered discussion. Above all else, John Hassel was an advocate for students and always looked out for their best interests.
                               John was a true maverick if ever there was one. He didn’t mind going against the status quo to do what he felt was right

                       for students. His heart was always with the kids.
                               John Hassel served two terms on the William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board from 1991 – 1999. As board president
                       in 1998-99, John, along with his fellow board trustees, was instrumental in establishing the Santa Clarita Valley Facilities Foundation.
                               Despite serving eight years as an elected Trustee and then his last 10 years on the Foundation board as a founding
                       member and treasurer, he never became a bureaucrat. He was efficient and direct, and his opinions were often served with a
                       heaping dose of good humor.
                                                                       With John there was no fluff. We always knew exactly where he stood on

                                                              the issues. His priorities were absolutely clear and crisp, and always at the top
                                                              of his list was the question, “What is best for our students?”
                                                                      He was a visionary and believed that the work of the Facilities Foundation
                                                              was a way to provide something beyond the norm for students in the
                                                              Hart District. Along with many others who shared that same vision and
                                                              determination, it led to the creation of Golden Valley High School. The benefits
                                                              of the Foundation’s work and the contributions made by John to that end will
                                                              extend well into the future.
                                                                      At times John prodded our local media to uphold their duty for vigilance

                                                              and truth. He often mentioned the freedoms prescribed in the Bill of Rights and
                                                              consistently reminded us of the importance of promoting and protecting them,
                                                              especially our First Amendment rights.
                                                                      We think John would also like to be remembered as someone who protected
                                                              the taxpayer’s dollar. Undoubtedly he will, but as tough as his law enforcement
                                                              exterior may have seemed to the casual observer, we will remember him best as
                                                              the gentle soul who lived to serve the children of this community.

                                                                                               Santa Clarita Valley Facilities Foundation
            IN MEMORIAM                                                                                            Board of Directors

            JOHN R. HASSEL (1939-2008)
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