Page 21 - scvhs19901997minutes
P. 21

Board  of  Directors  Meeting
                                                         J'ul y .. 2a;·· ..  1990 ·--  .....
                   Meeting  was      called  to      order  at  7:10  PM  by  President  Paul  Kreutzer  at
            the  Saugus  Train  Station.           The  following  Board  members  were  present:
           Sharon  Daly                         Robert  Diem                        William  Flayer
           Norm  Harris                         Michelle  Hoffman                   .PHEl,ell    lloffsan
           Paul  Kreutzer                       Kathleen  Lotts                     John  Mann
           Laura  Mehterian                     Betty  Pember                       Carol  Rock
           Margaret  Seltzer                    Michael  Vitale                     Jean  Woods
                   Members  absent:
           Robert  Campbell                     Sharon  Devol                       Glenn  Hymer
           Bette  Tilch                         Gerald  Reynolds                    Myrna  Reynolds
           Mike  Shuman
                   Others  present:
           Sandra  Fo~bes                       Anne  Kaulbach                      Kevin  O'Neill
            Do¥\  l  tJ,....  ~ai""l,\ew,e<     WA~f'~  ~ \/,e-.1JC..- :foVIVlSr>Y'l
           Possible  scenario          read  regarding        revitalization  and          redevelopment  of  Old
           Newhall  read  by  Warren          Johnson.       Asking  Historical  Society  for  support,  to
    0      work  with       the  City  of  Santa  Clarita  in  move  toward  restoring  Old  Newhall.
           Discussion  followed  about  ramifications,  possibly  forming  committee.                            M/S/P
            that  Historical        Society  form  a  committee  that  will  work  on  Silver  Triangle
           concept  with        the  City.       Carol  Rock  will  organize  first  meeting;  committee
           was  requested  to  attend  City  public  hearing  July  24.
           Treasurer•s  Report:            Year  end  report  handed  out  <copy  attached).                 M/S/P  to
           file  report  for  audit.
           Annual  Budget  for  1990/91             handed  out.        Copy     attached.        M/S/P  that       the
            1990/91  Annual  Budget  be  approved.
           General  Announcements:             Signs  completed  and            two  of    three  are      in  place.
           Warren  Johnson  will  do            "Historical  Sites"          map.      "Concerts       in  Historic
           Places"  will  be  April  14,  1991.
                                                  COMMITTEE  REPORTS
           MEMBERSHIP:.  Since  last  report,  3  new  members.                  Life  members  card  ingraved.
           CURATOR.:      Santa  Monica  Mountains  Conservancy  grant  is  in;  income  tax  letter
           to  be  sent.      M/S/P  allocated  $150  toward  Bill  of  Rights  display.for  \qqz.
           ORAL .... HISTORIES:     No  report  given.
           GIFT ..... SHOP.:.   New  greeting  cards  ordered.         Article  to  be  written  for  Dispatch
           on  new  items  available.
           J.;.~bl;.~_:Q.0.B.§..!.   Working  on  layout;  Businesses  can  add  printing  on  flap,  etc.
           DOCENTS:.       Membership  cal led,         asking  for       hosts  for     Sunday  hours.        Period
           costumes  are  encouraged.               Docent  classes  put  off  until  a              group  of  host
           volunteers  are  called.             Possibility  of  opening  Station,  maybe  one  Saturday
           per  month.        Cal  Coast  will  keep  account  of  Historical  Society  donations  of
           recycled  materials--Dispatch  article?
           TOUR.:.   Trip  of  City  of  Industry  homestead  site,  including  1840  adobe  house,
           1920  Spanish  Colonial  residence,  cemetary.                  Possible  date  to  be  determined.

                                            Headquarters - Saugus Train  Station
                                          P.O. Box 875  •  Newhall  •  California  •  91322
                                                     Founded MCMLXXV
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